
Vpliv vibracij na objekte in okolje pri različnih vrstah miniranja : magistrsko delo
ID Tori, Matija (Author), ID Vižintin, Goran (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V urbanem in naravnem okolju se vibracije pojavljajo dnevno, povzročajo jih različni naravni in antropogeni dejavniki. Naravne dejavnike, v katere štejemo potrese, ne moremo napovedati in nadzorovati, lahko pa nadzorujemo in načrtujemo antropogene dejavnike. V magistrski nalogi je predstavljena tehnologija miniranja, ki se uporablja na področju rudarske, geotehnične in gradbene dejavnosti. Tehnologija miniranja povzroča vibracije na ljudeh, objektih in okolju. Odvisna je od vrste miniranja, oddaljenosti objekta, geološke sestave tal in od konstrukcijskih lastnosti samega objekta. Za načrtovanje in kontroliranje vibracij se v Evropski uniji in v svetu uporabljajo smernice, ki so opredeljene v standardih po posameznih državah. Standardi predpisujejo smernice za izračun, meritve in določitve vrednosti vibracij, ki vplivajo na objekte. Pomembna dejavnika, ki vplivata na objekt, sta hitrost valovanja, ki potuje po različnih geoloških tleh do objekta, in frekvenca vibracij na objektu, saj imajo objekti svoje lastne frekvence. Epidemiološke razmere nam niso dopuščale izvajati meritev vibracij na podlagi različnih tehnologiji miniranj in njihovega vpliva, zato sem se osredotočil na že izvedene meritve vibracij, ter jih analiziral po različnih standardih. V praktičnem delu magistrske naloge so predstavljeni primeri meritev vibracij pri miniranjih na treh različnih lokacijah. Uporabljene so meritve vibracij, katere so bile povzročene z miniranjem ob izgradnji podzemnih prostorov, pri izkoriščanju mineralne surovine in pri poglabljanju rečnih strug. Za analizo podatkov meritev posameznih miniranj so bili uporabljeni standardi, ki temeljijo na vrednostih hitrosti valovanj pri določenih frekvencah. Uporabljeni so avstrijski standard ONÖRM 9020, nemški standard DIN 4150, švicarski standard SN 640 312a, britanski standard BS 7385, ameriški standard USBM RI 8507 in priporočila Ministrstva za okolje Republike Francije. V zaključku naloge je predstavljena primerjava rezultatov vibracij, ki jih povzročajo različne tehnologije miniranj, in kako rezultati zadoščajo posameznim evropskim standardom.

Keywords:Vibracije, miniranje, meritve vibracij, lastna frekvenca objekta, ONÖRM 9020, DIN 4150, SN 640 312a, hitrost valovanja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Tori]
Number of pages:XVI, 61 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127800 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:71516675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of vibration on constructions and environment with different types of blasting : master's thesis
Vibrations caused by various natural as well as anthropogenic factors occur on a daily basis in the urban and natural environments. While we cannot predict or control natural vibrations like earthquakes, we can control and plan anthropogenic factors. Through this Master’s thesis I present blasting technology used in the fields of mining, geotechnical and construction work. The blasting technology causes vibrations in people, structures and the environment. The vibrations differ depending on the kind of blasting, distance of the construction, geological structure of the soil as well as constructional properties of the structures. For planning and control of the vibrations, guidelines are used in Europe and around the world, which are defined by different standards of the individual countries. The standards stipulate guidelines for calculating, measuring and setting vibration levels that affect the structures. The two most important factors that affect the structure are wave speed, which travels through various geological types of ground towards the structure as well as the frequency of vibrations on the structure, since structures also possess their own frequencies. Epidemiologic circumstances did not permit us to undertake measurements of vibrations caused by various blasting technologies and their influence, which is why I focused on already existing measurements of vibrations that I analysed according to different standards. In the practical part of the thesis, I present the practical examples of frequency measurements of explosive blasts on three different locations. I used only measurements caused by blasts for creating underground construction space, extraction of mineral resources and deepening of river beds. In the analysis of the results of separate blasts, standards were used that are based on values of wave speeds of specific frequencies. For this I used the Austrian Standard ONÖRM 9020, German standard DIN 4150, Swiss standard SN 640 312a, British standard BS 7385, American standard USBM RI 8507 as well as the recommendations of the Republic of France’s Ministry of Environment. In the conclusion of the dissertation, I present the comparison of the results of vibrations that are caused by different blasting technologies, as well as how the results meet the separate European standards.

Keywords:Vibrations, Blasting, Blast measurements, structures’ own frequency, ONÖRM 9020, DIN 4150, SN 640 312a, wave speed

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