
Prostori srečanja tekstila s telesom pod obleko
ID Brezovnik, Žiga (Author), ID Jenko, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Prostori srečanja tekstila s telesom pod obleko so rezultat raziskovanja relacij oblačil in človeka v prostoru. Diplomska naloga oriše prostore, ki se ustvarijo, kadar se telo obleče in sloji oblek med seboj stkejo različne tridimenzionalne tvorbe v relaciji do telesa. Preko raziskovanj in eksperimentov se približa telesu in ga sooči s prostori, ki ga vsakodnevno obdajajo, a se jih ne zaveda. Z dekonstrukcijo suknjičev in srajc so v kovinskih konstrukcijah ustvarjeni prostori z različnimi anatomijami v katere lahko človek delno vstopi, lahko pa jih zgolj opazuje in z njimi komunicira z rokami, nogami ali glavo. Tako je gledalec stoodstotno soočen z elementi, ki ga vsakodnevno obdajajo, a o njih ne razmišlja. S pričujočim projektom ga želim soočiti - kar naenkrat se znajde pred podlogo suknjiča, ovratnikom srajce, svetlobo, ki skozi obleko pronica skozi tekstil do gledalca in mu osvetljuje obraz. Teoretičen del se začne z analizo prostora s poudarkom na likovnem prostoru. Raziskujem prostor in kako se ga zavedamo. Opisan je tudi temelj človeškega dojemanja prostora, prostorski križ. Nato se dotaknem zgodovine likovne instalacije, zanima me predvsem, kako se je pojem uveljavil in razvijal skozi zgodovino. Odgovoriti želim na vprašanje, kaj je likovna instalacija in kako jo opredeljujemo oz. kako kategorizirajo ta likovni žanr glavni predstavniki in pionirji. Ustvarjalni del je rezultat zgoraj opisanih raziskovanj. Vse tekstilne konstrukcije so definirane s svetlobo in analogno ter digitalno projekcijo, ki predstavljajo pronicanje sončne svetlobe oz. teme skozi oblačila do telesa. Človek kot telo zavestno vstopi v prostore, od koder je telo odšlo. Ti prostori čakajo, da si jih ogleda in jih razišče. Gledalec predstavlja manjkajočo telesnost s tem, ko je postavljen v pozicijo gledalca intimnih, skritih prostorov, ki se nahajajo pod obleko. Rezultat raziskovanja, eksperimentiranja in ustvarjanja je tekstilna instalacija, ki jo lahko (vz)postavimo v različnih prostorih. Sestavljena je iz kovinskih modulov, v katerih so napete ali obešene tekstilne komponente. Kompozicije so osvetljene z grafoskopi, reflektorji in digitalnim projektorjem. Dodatno dimenzijo likovni instalaciji doda še zvok bitja srca, dihanja in šelestenja tekstila. Za konstrukcije je uporabljeno obdelano pohištveno železo, tekstilni del pa je ustvarjen iz rabljenih suknjičev in srajc. Namen dela je raziskovanje skrajne točke srečanja tekstila s telesom.

Keywords:prostor, tekstilna instalacija, tekstil, suknjič, srajca
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127748 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Meeting spaces between textile and body under clothing
Meeting spaces between textile and body under clothing is a project that derives from a research on the spatial relation between clothing and the human being. The following diploma thesis depicts spaces that are conceived when the body dresses up and the layers of clothes form various three-dimensional creations between themselves and in relation to the body. Through research and experiment, this thesis attempts to approach the body and aims to confront it with spaces that the body is not aware of, but is surrounded by them every day. Within the deconstruction of jackets and shirts presented in metal constructions are spaces with different anatomies in which a human being partially enters or observes them and communicates with them with hands, legs or the head. The viewer is therefore directly confronted with the elements which we are surrounded by daily, but we do not think about them. Suddenly, he/she is positioned in front of the jacket's lining, the shirt's collar and the light that shines through the clothing now illuminates his/her face. The theoretical part of the thesis begins with the analysis of space with the emphasis on the role of space in art. It tries to define space and our awareness of it, seeking to explain the basis of human's spatial perception. The thesis continues with the history of art installation, and how the concept was established and transformed throughout its history. It tries to define art installation and how to categorize it, as well as trying to answer how it was categorized by its representatives and pioneers. The creative part of the theses is a result of the research described above. All textile constructions are defined by light and by an analogue or digital projection that depicts the sun shining or a shadow obscuring the body through layers of clothing. A human being as a body consciously enters inside the spaces deprived of a body, and they are waiting for the body to return to them, to observe and explore them. The viewer represents the missing physicality as he/she takes on a role of the viewer of intimate spaces hidden under clothing. The result of the research, experiments and creation is a textile installation that can be established in different spaces. It consists of metal modules on which the textile components are either hanged or stretched. The compositions are illuminated with overhead projectors, reflectors and a digital projector. Another dimension is also added to the art installation with the sound of heart beat, breathing and textile rustling. The constructions are made of metal and the textile part is created of decomposed second-hand jackets and shirts. The project’s purpose is unveiling the point where the body meets textile.

Keywords:space, textile installation, textile, jacket, shirt

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