
Načrtovanje, sinteza in vrednotenje zaviralcev in razgrajevalcev proapoptotičnega proteina Bax
ID Perša, Rebecca (Author), ID Sosič, Izidor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Apoptoza je programirana celična smrt in je nujno potrebna za normalno delovanje organizma. Tako odsotnost apoptoze kakor tudi prekomerna celična smrt sta povezani s številnimi patološkimi stanji. Tumorske celice so se sposobne izogniti apoptozi, pretirano apoptozo pa povezujemo z nevrodegenerativnimi in avtoimunskimi boleznimi ter pogosto tudi s stranskimi učinki kemoterapevtikov. Nepovraten korak, ki privede do apoptoze, je permeabilizacija zunanje membrane mitohondrija. Ključno vlogo pri tem igrajo proteini iz družine proteinov Bcl-2, med katerimi smo se v tej nalogi osredotočili na protein Bax. Z zaviralci lahko ciljamo njegovo konformacijsko aktivacijo, translokacijo do mitohondrijske membrane ali temu sledečo oligomerizacijo. Čeprav predstavlja zaviranje proteina Bax z majhnimi molekulami obetavno strategijo za razvoj modulatorjev apoptoze, pa se zaradi njegovih lastnosti, saj nima izrazitega aktivnega mesta, poskušajo posluževati modernih metod za njegovo modulacijo. Ena od teh je pristop t.i. himernega razgrajevanja Bax z molekulami PROTAC (angl. proteolysis targeting chimeras; PROTACs). Molekule PROTAC sestavljajo trije ključni deli: ligand za tarčni protein, ligand za ubivitin ligazo E3 ter vmesnik, ki ju povezuje. V primeru, da ima molekula PROTAC ustrezne lastnosti, je lahko tarčni protein po tvorbi trojnega kompleksa »tarča-PROTAC-ligaza E3« podvržen proteolitični razgradnji preko ubikvitin-proteasomskega sistema. Na podlagi predhodno opisanega zaviralca Bax, tj. spojine DAN004, smo sintetizirali pet strukturno podobnih molekul. Z metodo 'migracije atoma broma' in njegovo nadaljnjo zamenjavo s hidroksilno skupino smo želeli izboljšati zaviralno aktivnost teh spojin ter raziskati odnos med strukturo molekul in njihovim zaviralnim delovanjem. Iz dveh molekul smo pripravili tudi dva potencialna razgrajevalca (molekuli PROTAC) proteina Bax. Re-sintetizirano spojino DAN004 ter ostale zaviralce in molekuli PROTAC smo ovrednotili na encimskem nivoju s testom liposomskega sproščanja, na celičnem nivoju pa ocenili njihovo sposobnost zaviranja sprožene programirane celične smrti. Le ena izmed spojin je izkazala rahlo izboljšanje zaviranja v primerjavi z DAN004, ostale pa so izkazale afiniteto do proteina Bax v enakem koncentracijskem območju. Pozicija broma in njegova zamenjava s hidroksilno skupino tako nista bistveno vplivala na zaviranje Bax. Nobena izmed spojin pri izbranih pogojih testiranja na treh celičnih linijah ni rešila celic pred inducirano apoptozo. Vrednotenje sposobnosti razgradnje tarče je trenutno še v teku pri sodelavcih iz ZDA, a kljub temu pridobljeni eksperimentalni podatki služijo kot izjemno dobro vodilo za prihodnje raziskovanje na področju zaviranja in razgrajevanja proteina Bax s spojinami tega strukturnega razreda.

Keywords:apoptoza, protein Bax, zaviralci apoptoze, migracija atoma broma, himerni razgrajevalci
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127703 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Design, synthesis and evaluation of pro-apoptotic Bax protein inhibitors and degraders
Apoptosis is a type of programmed cell death and is essential for the normal functioning of an organism. Both the absence of apoptosis and excessive cell death are associated with several pathological conditions. Tumor cells can avoid apoptosis, whereas excessive apoptosis is associated with neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases and often with the side effects of chemotherapeutics. An irreversible step that leads to apoptosis is permeabilization of the outer mitochondrial membrane, where the Bcl-2 family of proteins plays a key role. In this master’s thesis, we will focus on the Bax protein. Inhibitors of Bax can target either its conformational activation, translocation to the mitochondrial membrane, or subsequent oligomerization. Although the inhibition of Bax protein by small molecules represents a promising strategy for the development of apoptosis modulators, the lack of defined active site requires utilization of modern modulation methods. One such strategy is the so-called proteolysis targeting chimeras (PROTACs) approach. PROTAC molecules consist of three key parts: a ligand for the target protein, a ligand for the E3 ubiquitin ligase, and a linker that connects the two ligands. If the PROTAC molecule has the appropriate properties, the target protein may undergo proteolytic degradation via the ubiquitin-proteasomal system after the formation of the 'target-PROTAC-E3 ligase' ternary complex. Based on the previously described Bax inhibitor, i.e. compound DAN004, we synthesized five structurally similar molecules. With the method of 'migration of the bromine atom' and its subsequent replacement with a hydroxyl group, we wanted to improve the inhibitory activity and investigate the relationship between the structure of molecules and their inhibitory activities. Two potential degraders (PROTAC molecules) of the Bax protein were also prepared from the two inhibitors. The resynthesized compound DAN004, the new inhibitors and PROTAC molecules were evaluated at the enzyme level by a liposomal permeabilization assay. At the cellular level, their ability to inhibit triggered programmed cell death was assessed. Only one of the compounds showed a slight improvement in inhibition compared to DAN004, whereas the others had an affinity for the Bax protein in the same concentration range as the parent compound DAN004. The position of the bromine and its replacement by a hydroxyl group thus had no significant effect on Bax inhibition. None of the compounds rescued the cells from induced apoptosis under the selected test conditions on the three cancer cell lines. Evaluation of the ability to degrade the target is currently underway by colleagues in the United States. Nevertheless, the obtained experimental data represent a valuable guidance for future research in the field of inhibition and degradation of Bax protein with compounds of this structural class.

Keywords:apoptosis, Bax protein, apoptosis inhibitors, bromine migration, proteolysis-targeting chimeras

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