
Izdelava promocijske animacije zagonskega podjetja
ID Logar, Katja (Author), ID Iskra, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo Izdelava promocijske animicije zagonskega podjetja je razdeljeno na dva dela, na teoretični del in na praktični del. Njegov namen je predstaviti postopke, ki so potrebni za izdelavo 2D animacije s programoma Adobe Illustrator in Adobe After Effects. V teoretičnem delu smo na kratko opisali zgodovino animacije. Na splošno smo predstavili najpomembnejše vrste animacij ter njihov razvoj in uporabo. Predstavili smo tudi najbolj uporabljene, plačjive in neplačljive programe za izdelavo animicije. Bolj podrobno smo se posvetili programoma Adobe Illustrator CC in Adobe After Effects, s katerima smo izdelali animacijo. Opisali smo kreativni proces izdelave animacije in trende za letošnje leto na področju animacij. Pojasnili smo, kakšna je psihologija barv v promociji, in podali nasvete za pravilno uporabo tipogarfije. V zadnjem razdelku v teoretičnem delu smo opisali promoviranje na družbenih omrežjih. V praktičnem delu smo najprej na kratko predstavili podjetje 2030 Builders za katerega je bila izdelana animacija. Predstavili smo njihove barve in tipografijo, nato pa smo se posvetili celotnemu postopku izdelave animacije in vsak posamezni postopek podrobno podprli s slikovnim gradivom. Natančno smo opisali naslednje postopke: scenarij, ilustriranje grafik, snemalno knjigo, priprave ilustracij za uvoz v program Adobe After Effects, uvoz datotek v program, animiranje ilustracij ter na koncu še dodajanje podnapisov, zvokov in zvočne podlage. Rezultat diplomskega dela je 2D animacija, ki smo jo izdelali za promocijo zagonskega podjetja. Z njo smo želeli na zanimiv in opazen način predstaviti podjetje ter jo objaviti na družbenih omrežjih in na spletni strani.

Keywords:animacija, 2D, zagonsko podjetje, promocija, ilustracija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127663 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Creating promo animation for start up company
Developing a promotion animation for a start-up company is a thesis, composed from two main parts; teoretical and practical. The aim of thesis was to introduce special proceedings, which are crucial for creating 2D animation with help of Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After Effects programmes. Theoretical part is consisted from a short overview of animation history; the main types of animation, their development and usage, from the most used type of animation to the economical overview (cost of programmes). But most interest in the thesis is based on Adobe Illustrator CC and Adobe After Effects, with which, the animation was originally created. Furthermore, creative process of making the animation is described, following by presenting the trends for this year in the field of animation. Theory also touches the psychological aspect of using variable colours in marketing and tips for correct application of typography. The practical part of the thesis contains a short describtion of a company 2030 Builders, for which the animation, colours and typography was created, following by a detailed explanation of creating the animation. Every step is thoroughly explained and supported by pictorial material; the scenario, illustration of the graphics, recording book, making the illustrations ready for exporting into the Adobe After Effects programme, the export of files into the document, animation process of illustrations and adding procedure of subtitles, sound and sound base. The result of the thesis is the completed 2D animation, used for promoting a start-up company. The aim is to introduce the company and publishing, as on the social media and website.

Keywords:animation, 2D, start up company, promotion, illustration

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