Urban beekeeping has become increasingly popular in recent decades, especially on the roofs, balconies, and city parks. This trend can also be seen in Slovenian biggest cities with the city of Ljubljana having the largest number of beehives in 2019. Urbani čebelar society, which was founded in Ljubljana, is the only urban beekeeping society in Slovenia. Urbani čebelar promotes awareness of city residents about the importance of bees in the city and also participates in Čebelja pot, which is an element of apitourism in the municipality. The master’s thesis describes characteristics of urban beekeeping in Ljubljana and other Slovenian city municipalities with the help of literature, analysis of data from Central register of apiaries, and interviews with urban beekeepers. There is also apitourism which has been bringing new domestic and foreign tourist to visit Slovenian apiaries and beehives since 2003.