
Vidik socialnega dela s strani javnosti in medijev : diplomsko delo
ID Šarlah, Nejc (Author), ID Mesec, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ta diplomska naloga poskuša z analizo osmih člankov spletnih medijev v Sloveniji odgovoriti na vprašanja kakšen je položaj socialnega dela v naši družbi ter na kakšen način ga prikazujejo mediji. Sam vidik je predstavljen skozi poročanje o koroških dečkih. Pri tem se sprašujemo kako se socialni delavci držijo postopkov pri opravljanju svojega dela, kdo jih pri tem nadzira, ter kakšno vlogo imajo pri vsem tem naši mediji. Dotaknili se bomo o čem vsem je tekel diskurz okrog koroških dečkov, kaj izvemo o njih ter o njihovih zgodbi, kakšno vlogo imajo tukaj tudi njihovi stari starši, kakšne so bile odločitve državnih organov, kako našo zakonodajo vidi Evropa in kako se razlikuje od slovenske. Pomemben nam je tudi vidik javnosti, ki je imela svojo vlogo pri samem dogajanju. Sama javnost je sodelovala pri protestih, vložila je svoje lastne pobude za spremembo zakonodaje ter tako izražala svojo pravico do svobodnega govora. Rezultati nam pokažejo, da je medijsko poročanje vodilnih medijskih hiš objektivno, a se kdaj zgodi, da se kakšen podatek izpusti iz člankov. Ob medijskih hišah z manjšim deležem gledanosti opazimo bolj senzacionalistično poročanje ter drugačne naslove in uporabo slikovnih gradiv. Na področju socialnega dela izvemo, da so se zgodile napake upravne narave, a te nimajo povezave z vsebinskimi odločitvami, sklepi. Odločitve namestitve otroka v rejniško družino je dolgotrajen proces, ki zajema vrsto institucij in udeleženih v procesu. Zgodi se, da kdaj pride do razlik med različnimi interpretacijami zakonov s strani slovenske zakonodaje ter evropske zakonodaje. V tem primeru ima evropska zakonodaja večjo težo kot naša.

Keywords:mediji, novinarstvo, etika, podoba socialnega dela, sovražni govor na spletu, rejništvo, centri za socialno delo, koroška dečka
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Šentjur pri Celju
Publisher:[N. Šarlah]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (111 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127635 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:73688835 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Social work perspective from the public and media
This thesis analyses eight articles from Slovenian media channels and tries to answer the question of social work aspect in our society and how it is portrait in the media. This will be done with the help of the story of the Carinthian boys. We ask ourselves what is the role of social workers, who monitors their work and how the media is mixed up in all of it. We will talk about the discourse surrounding the Carinthian boys, what we learn about them and their story, what role did their grandparents have, what were the decisions made by the state authorities, how is our legislation viewed by the European court and how it is distinguished from the Slovenian one. An important aspect is the public and it’s role in the whole decision making.The public itself played a big rule by protesting, filing their own ideas for a change in the law making and made use of it’s right to free speech. The results show, that media reporting is objective, but certain data can be left out of articles. Media houses with a small percentage of viewership tend to report more sensational and use headlines that attract. They also use picture material with the aim to invoke certain emotions by their viewers. On the social work field we learn that mistakes happened but they’re not of the substantive nature. The decision to put a kid into foster care is a lengthy process, that includes a number of different institutions and people involved in the decision making. It happened that laws were interpret differently when looking at the legislation from the Slovenian or general European side. In this case the European law weighs that of more importance.

Keywords:media, journalism, ethics, social work image, online hate speech, foster care, social work centres, carinthian boys

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