
Problematika nadomeščanja manjkajočih ploščic pri mozaiku iz Mestne hranilnice ljubljanske
ID Šantej, Roza (Author), ID Kokalj, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mladenovič, Ajda (Comentor)

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V diplomskem delu sem se soočila s problematiko restavriranja modernega mozaika iz Mestne hranilnice ljubljanske, ki je bil interventno snet v več kosih v letu 2018 in pri tem utrpel izgubo večje količine mozaičnih ploščic ali tesser. V delu sem se osredotočila na problematiko nadomeščanja odpadlih mozaičnih kock in na dva izbrana fragmenta omenjenega mozaika. Pred praktičnim delom diplomskega dela sem se posvetila teoriji konserviranja in restavriranja, povezani z nadomeščanjem izgubljenega materiala, ter principom, ki jih moramo pri posegu upoštevati, da v teku dela ne ustvarimo zgodovinskega in estetskega ponaredka. Prav tako sem se podučila o zgodovini razvoja mozaične umetnosti in tehnologije njegove izdelave, kar mi je omogočilo vpogled v umetnost mozaika in lažje načrtovanje nadaljnjih postopkov. Izvedla sem tudi dokumentiranje nastalih poškodb na izbranih fragmentih in proučila postopke konserviranja-restavriranja, ki so potekali v letu 2018, ko je bil mozaik snet. S pomočjo fotografij, ki so nastale pred snemanjem mozaika, sem izdelala digitalno rekonstrukcijo dveh izbranih fragmentov. Na podlagi zbranih podatkov sem se nato lotila izdelave novih mozaičnih ploščic. Izvedla sem poskuse izdelave novih ploščic z različnimi epoksidnimi smolami, polnili in pigmenti. Med delom sem izboljšala in prilagodila uporabljene tehnike in recepture. Najboljše izmed izdelanih ploščic sem na koncu uporabila za izdelavo kopije detajla mozaika, ki sem ga pred tem s pomočjo fotografij in odtisov ploščic na zaščiti lica mozaika digitalno rekonstruirala. Izvedena kopija detajla mozaika mi je pomagala pri oceni uspešnosti in kakovosti izdelanih mozaičnih kock.

Keywords:konservatorstvo-restavratorstvo dokumentacija mozaik mozaična ploščica nadomeščanje rekonstrukcija materiali diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127633 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Problems of replacing missing tiles in a mosaic from the City Savings Bank of Ljubljana
In my dissertation I explored the problem of restoring a modern mosaic from the City Savings Bank of Ljubljana, which was removed in several pieces in 2018 in an effort to preserve the mosaic and during this suffered the loss of a large amount of mosaic tiles or tesserae. In the thesis, I focused on the problem of replacing missing and damaged mosaic tiles and on two selected fragments of the said mosaic. Before the practical part of the thesis, I focused on the theory of conservation and restoration related to the replacement of lost material, and the principles that must be considered in the procedure so as not to create a historical and aesthetic forgery. I also learned about the history of the development of mosaic art and the technology of its production, which gave me an insight into the art of mosaic and made planning of further procedures easier. I also documented the damage on selected fragments and examined the conservation-restoration procedures that took place in 2018 when the mosaic was detached. With the help of photographs taken before the detachment of the mosaic, I made a digital reconstruction of the two selected fragments. Based on the accumulated knowledge, I then started making new mosaic tiles. I experimented with different epoxy resins, fillers, and pigments to make new mosaic tiles. During the work, I improved and adapted the techniques and recipes used. In the end, I used the best of the tiles to make a copy of a detail of the selected mosaic, which I had previously digitally reconstructed with the help of photographs and the tiles' imprints on the facinge of the mosaic. A copy of the mosaic detail helped me to assess the success and quality of the newly made mosaic tiles.

Keywords:conservation-restoration documentation mosaic mosaic tile substituting reconstruction materials BA thesis

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