
Delovno terapevtske strategije obvladovanja bolečine pri bolnikih z revmatoidnim artritisom : diplomsko delo
ID Petkovšek, Vida (Author), ID Huzjan, Barbka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Sicherl, Zorana (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Bolečina je osnovna in najbolj moteča težava bolnika z revmatoidnim artritisom. Intenzivnost bolečine se spreminja, vendar le-ta bolnika spremlja ves čas in mu onemogoča normalno življenje. Pri obravnavi bolnika s kronično bolečino delovni terapevti uporabljajo različne strategije, s katerimi poskušajo zmanjšati bolečino in hkrati povečati uporabnikove spretnosti za opravljanje aktivnosti in s tem odvračati pozornost od bolečine. Namen: V diplomski nalogi smo želeli raziskati in opisati kronično bolečino, ki jo doživljajo bolniki z revmatoidnim artritisom – kje se pojavlja, kako jo občutijo in kje v vsakdanjem življenju jih le-ta najbolj ovira. Želeli smo tudi ugotoviti, kako bolniki bolečino obvladujejo oz. katerih strategij za obvladovanje bolečine se poslužujejo. Metode dela: V kvalitativni raziskavi smo izvedli 6 polstrukturiranih intervjujev z bolniki z revmatoidnim artritisom. Z njihovim dovoljenjem smo intervjuje posneli, jih dobesedno prepisali in jih analizirali po metodi kvalitativne vsebinske analize. Rezultati: Bolečina se pri bolnikih z revmatoidnim artritisom pojavlja vsakodnevno, najpogosteje zjutraj kot posledica okorelosti ter zvečer oz. ponoči. Občutijo jo predvsem na malih sklepih rok, zapestjih, gležnjih, kolenih in ramenih. Bolečina močno poseže na vsa področja človekovega delovanja in vpliva tudi na družinsko, socialno in poklicno življenje posameznika ter lahko privede tudi do mnogih psiholoških stisk. Pri obvladovanju bolečin v času zagona bolezni jim pomaga počitek, potopitev v bolečino, vizualizacija ter terapija s toploto in hladom. V času remisije jim pomaga gibanje in rekreacija, sprememba prehrane ter druženje. V preventivnem smislu se poslužujejo strategije varčevanja z energijo, zaščite in varovanja sklepov ter prilagoditev doma in uporabe pripomočkov. Razprava in zaključek: Delovna terapija pomaga bolniku pridobiti nadzor nad boleznijo, jo razumeti, izboljšati in ohraniti funkcionalne sposobnosti, preprečiti napredovanje bolezni, se vključiti v njemu pomembne okupacije in tako izboljšati kvaliteto življenja. Delovno terapevtske strategije obvladovanja bolečine so primerne za vsakogar, ki trpi za kronično revmatsko boleznijo, saj pripomorejo k vzdrževanju funkcionalnih sposobnosti, ohranjanju samostojnosti, krepitvi zdravja in dobrega počutja. Žal v Sloveniji mnogi bolniki z bolečino, ki je posledica revmatičnih ali drugih kroničnih bolezni, niso deležni delovno terapevtske obravnave. Zato menimo, da bi bilo potrebno več pozornosti posvetiti celostni obravnavi bolnikov in tako obravnavo omogočiti vsem bolnikom.

Keywords:diplomska dela, delovna terapija, revmatične bolezni, vrste bolečin, življenje z bolečino
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Petkovšek]
Number of pages:38 str., [3] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127622 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:67496963 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.06.2021
PETKOVŠEK, Vida, 2021, Delovno terapevtske strategije obvladovanja bolečine pri bolnikih z revmatoidnim artritisom : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : V. Petkovšek. [Accessed 25 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Occupational therapy strategies for managing chronic pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis : diploma work
Introduction: Pain is the basic and the most disturbing problem of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. The intensity of pain can vary greatly but is present all the time and prevents the patient from leading a normal life. When treating patients with chronic pain occupational therapists use different strategies in order to try and reduce the pain and at the same time increase the patients' skills for carrying out daily activities and thus deterring attention from their pain. Purpose: The aim of this study is to explore and describe chronic pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: the location of the pain, how they feel it, where in every day's life it hinders them the most. We wanted to find out how patients control their pain and which strategies they use. Methods: In our qualitative research we carried out 6 semi-structured interviews with the patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. With their permission we recorded the interviews, then we copied them word-for-word, and finally analysed them according to the method of qualitative thematic analysis. Results: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis experience pain every day, mostly in the morning (muscle stiffness), but also in the evening and during the night. The pain is experienced especially in the small joints of hands, ankles, knees, shoulders. The pain strongly affects all areas of their life. It affects the family life, the social and professional life of the individual, which can also lead to various psychological sufferings. To control the pain in the initial phase the following can help: rest, merge into pain, visualization and therapy with warmth and cold. Outdoor activities and recreation, the change of diet and socializing can help in the remission phase. Prevention strategies include: saving energy, protection and security of joints, adjustments of home, use of disability equipment. Discussion and conclusion: Occupational therapy helps the patient obtain control over the disease and on the other hand it can help understand it. Also it improves and maintains functional abilities as well as it prevents the development of the disease. Furthermore it helps to improve the quality of life by enabling the patient to join the most important daily activities, and thus improves the quality of life. Occupational therapy strategies which help control the pain are suitable for everybody who suffers from chronic rheumatoid disease. They can help in maintaining functional abilities, maintain independance, build up health and good condition. Unfortunately, in Slovenia many patients with pain which is the consequence of rheumatoid and other chronic diseases are not referred to occupational therapy. Therefore, we believe that much more attention should be paid to the holistic treatment and such treatment should be enabled to all patients.

Keywords:diploma theses, occupational therapy, rheumatic diseases, types of pain, living with pain

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