
Testi gibalnih sposobnosti za vrnitev v šport po kirurškem zdravljenju sprednje nestabilnosti ramenskega sklepa : magistrsko delo
ID Vodopivec, Katja (Author), ID Stražar, Klemen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pori, Primož (Comentor)

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Sprednji izpah ramenskega sklepa je pogosta poškodba, še posebej pri mlajših moških, ki se ukvarjajo s tekmovalnimi kontaktnimi športi in športi, ki zahtevajo obremenitve roke nad glavo. Najpogostejši zaplet je ponovitev poškodbe in nestabilnost ramenskega sklepa, zato se v večini priporoča kirurško zdravljenje. Rehabilitacija po kirurškem zdravljenju traja od 4 do 6 mesecev, lahko tudi do 9 mesecev, odvisno od poteka rehabilitacije, operativnega posega, pridruženih drugih poškodb, vključenosti v kontaktne športne, idr. Kriteriji za vrnitev v šport niso povsem jasno definirani. Glavni namen magistrske naloge je bil predstaviti različne gibalne teste za vrnitev v šport po kirurškem zdravljenju sprednje nestabilnosti zaradi ponavljajočega se izpaha ramenskega sklepa. Želeli smo raziskati, kateri so tisti cilji, ki jih mora športnik med rehabilitacijo doseči, da se lahko po takšnem posegu varno in uspešno vrne v tekmovalni šport. Delo je monografskega tipa, za katerega je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda. Za raziskovanje problema smo uporabili domačo in tujo znanstveno ter strokovno literaturo. Ugotovili smo, da je uporaba gibalnih testov za oceno stanja zgornjega uda kot presejalnega orodja za preprečevanje poškodb ali varno vrnitev v šport po poškodbi precej redka. Kljub temu so bili razviti številni testi, specifični za ramenski sklep, ki so poleg ostalih kriterijev pomembni pokazatelji posameznikove sposobnosti, da se giba učinkovito in samozavestno. Najpogosteje uporabljen je test stabilnosti zgornje ekstremitete v zaprti kinematični verigi, sledita mu Y-test stabilnosti ter met težke žoge. Prva dva testa nam pomagata pri ugotavljanju pomanjkljivosti v zaprti kinematični verigi, pri prvem testiramo predvsem eksplozivno moč, medtem ko pri Y-testu stabilnost in mobilnost lopatice ter prsne hrbtenice. Pri metu težke žoge gre za preverjanje eksplozivne moči zgornjega uda v odprti kinematični verigi. Testiranje s pomočjo gibalnih testov za oceno stanja zgornjega uda je vsekakor smiselno, kar dokazuje uporaba testov za spodnji ud, vendar pa smo s pregledom literature ugotovili, da so potrebne dodatne študije, ki nam bodo zagotovile normativne vrednosti posameznih testov za zgornji ud glede na različne posameznike (športniki, rekreativci, zdravi, poškodovani), športne panoge, spol in starost.

Keywords:ramenski sklep, sprednja nestabilnost ramenskega sklepa, kirurško zdravljenje, kriteriji za vrnitev v šport, gibalni testi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127577 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:69892355 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Functional tests for return to sport after surgical treatment of anterior glenohumeral instability
Anterior dislocation of the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint is a common injury, especially among younger men engaged in competitive contact sports and overhead sports. The most common complications are reccurence of the injury and instabilty of the shoulder joint. In most cases, therefore, surgery is recommended. Post-surgical rehabilitation lasts from four to six months, also up to nine months, depending on how the rehabilitation progresses, the surgical procedure, other related injuries, participation in contact sports, etc. The criteria for return to sport have not yet been adequately defined. The main aim of this Master's thesis was to present various functional tests for a return to sport after surgery to address anterior instability because of a reccurence of shoulder joint dislocation. We wished to establish the criteria that an athlete must meet during the rehabilitation process for them to make a safe and successful return to competitive sport. The work is in the form of a monograph, employing a descriptive method. In order to research this issue, we relied on domestic and foreign professional and academic literature. We established that the use of functional tests to assess the condition of the upper limbs as a screening tool for the prevention of injury or for the safe return to sport is relatively rare. This is despite the fact that there are several tests available specifically for the shoulder joint, which besides the other criteria, are important indicators of the individual's ability to move effectively and self-confidently. The most commonly used test is the upper extremity stability test in a closed kinetic chain, followed by the Y-balance test and medicine ball throw. The first two tests help in assessing weaknesses in a closed kinetic chain; the first test assesses explosive strength, while the Y-test addresses the stability and mobility of the scapula and thoracic spine. Explosive strength in the upper limbs in an open kinetic chain is tested by medicine ball throw. Using functional tests to establish the condition of the upper limbs is appropriate, attested to by the use of lower limb tests; however, in reviewing the literature, we discovered that further research is required to ascertain the normative values of individual upper limb tests according to the various factors involved, such as the individual (athletes, participants in recreational sport, healthy, injured), sports discipline, gender and age.

Keywords:glenohumeral joint (shoulder), anterior glenohumeral instability, surgical treatment, criteria for return to sport, functional tests

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