
Vpliv telesnih značilnosti in debeline kože na temperaturo dlani : magistrsko delo
ID Rabič, Tina (Author), ID Čuk, Ivan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pri orodni telovadbi so poškodbe dlani zelo pogoste, saj so telovadci pogosto izpostavljeni daljšim obremenitvam na dlaneh. V želji raziskati omenjeno problematiko smo na Fakulteti za šport, v okviru širše raziskave z naslovom Kratkotrajni učinki obremenitve dlani na temperaturo dlani pri vesi in opori, izvedli serijo meritev povezanih s temperaturo dlani pred in po izvedbi opor in ves. Da bi lažje razumeli dogajanje pred in po obremenitvah pa nas je najprej zanimalo kako telesne značilnosti in debelina kože vplivajo na povprečno ter najvišjo temperaturo dlani, kar je tudi osnovni namen tega magistrskega dela. Poleg tega, nas je zanimalo tudi, ali somernost v telesnih značilnostih vpliva na somernost v temperaturi dlani. Pri meritvah je sodelovalo 38 zdravih študentk in študentov Fakultete za šport. Najprej smo merjencem slikali dlani, jim izmerili obseg dlani z in brez palca ter, s pomočjo termovizijske kamere, posneli posnetek leve in desne dlani, v mirovanju. Nato smo v laboratoriju za fiziologijo opravili še meritve telesne sestave z napravo Inbody 720, meritve antropometrije s 3D čitalcem za telo in izmerili debelino kože z visokofrekvenčnim ultrazvokom. Po obdelavi podatkov v programu SPSS smo opravili razčlenitev in razlago rezultatov. Ugotovili smo, da je s povprečno in najvišjo temperaturo dlani statistično značilno povezanih štirinajst telesnih značilnosti (telesna višina, masa skeletnih mišic, masa telesne maščobe, pusta masa roke, dolžina palca, dolžina kazalca, dolžina sredinca, dolžina prstanca, dolžina mezinca, širina dlani, dolžina dlani, obseg levega zapestja, obseg dlani s palcem in obseg dlani brez palca). Med debelino kože in povprečno ter najvišjo temperaturo dlani pa ni prišlo do značilnih povezav. Naša zadnja ugotovitev pa se nanaša na nesomernost, ugotovili smo, da somernost v nekaterih telesnih značilnostih ne vpliva na somernost v temperaturi dlani.

Keywords:Telesne značilnosti, debelina kože, temperatura dlani, termografija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127575 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:69891331 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.06.2021
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Title:Impact of body characteristics and skin thickness on palm temperature
It is very common in artistic gymnastics that gymnast have palm injuries, because they are often exposed to long lasting loads. In order to investigate this issue we, as part of a broader study entitled Short-term effects of palm load on the palm temperature in hang and support, performed a series of measurements related to palm temperature before and after hang and support. In order to understand what happens before and after load, we were first interested in how body characteristics and skin thickness affect the average and maximum palm skin temperature, which is also the basic purpose of this research. Moreover, we were interested in finding out if symmetry in body characteristics influences the symmetry in palm temperature. We collected the data for this study at Faculty of Sport on 38 healthy students of the same faculty. Firstly, we scanned palms of the students, measured palm circumference with and without thumb and with a help of thermal camera, we took a photo of the right and the left palm at rest. Secondly, in a physiology laboratory, we collected data of the body composition with the InBody 720, the anthropometric characteristics were collected with 3D body scanner and we measured skin thickness with high frequency ultrasound as well. After the statistical analyses of data in SPSS, we analysed and explained the results. We found out that there is a statistically significant correlation between temperature (mean and maximum) and fourteen body characteristics (body height, skeletal muscle mass, body fat mass, arm lean mass, thumb length, index finger length, middle finger length, ring finger length, little finger length, palm width, palm length, left wrist circumference, palm circumference with and without thumb). We did not find a statistically significant correlation between skin thickness and palm temperature (mean and maximum). Additionally, the results showed that symmetry in body characteristics does not affect symmetry in palm temperature.

Keywords:Body characteristics, skin thickness, palm temperature, thermography

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