
Samoevalvacija pridobljenih kompetenc in pripravljenosti študentov 4. letnika za poklic socialne delavke/delavca : diplomsko delo
ID Šmid, Eva (Author), ID Rihter, Liljana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu raziskujem, kolikšen delež študentov se po svoji oceni čuti pripravljenih za poklic socialnega delavca/delavke in kaj so glavni razlogi za tako oceno. V teoretičnem delu sem zaobsegla zgodovino socialnega dela v Sloveniji, začetke bolonjskega procesa in bolonjske reforme Univerze v Ljubljani in uspešnost bolonjske reforme. Opredelila sem pojem kompetenc in razložila, kakšna je njihova vloga v izobraževanju. Prav tako sem se v zaključku uvodnega dela osredotočila na zaposlovanje diplomantov v kontekstu bolonjskega procesa, kjer sta pripravništvo in strokovni izpit dva pomembna dejavnika. Z raziskavo sem želela izvedeti, ali so študentje 4. letnika Fakultete za socialno delo zadovoljni s pridobljenim teoretičnim in praktičnim znanjem v vseh štirih letih, ali so zadovoljni s predmeti na fakulteti in kakšne spremembe predmetnika predlagajo, zaradi katerih bi bili študentje bolj pripravljeni na poklic socialnega delavca/delavke. Prav tako me je zanimalo, ali imajo občutek sposobnosti za opravljanje poklica socialne delavke/delavca. Moja raziskava je glede na izbrane podatke kvantitativna; glede na stopnjo v procesu spoznavanja je deskriptivna in ne nazadnje je tudi empirična, saj sem podatke zbrala s pomočjo strukturiranega anketnega vprašalnika. V raziskavi so sodelovali redni študenti in študentke 4. letnika univerzitetnega študijskega programa na Fakulteti za socialno delo v Ljubljani v študijskih letih 2018/2019 in 2019/2020. Ugotovila sem, da so študentje v večji meri zadovoljni s teoretičnim in praktičnim znanjem kot tudi predmetnikom, vendar predlagajo določene spremembe, ki bi jih še bolj pripravile na poklic socialne delavke/delavca. Na poklic so po njihovi oceni dobro pripravljeni, kljub temu pa bi si želeli še več praktičnega dela na fakulteti, več konkretnih izkušenj iz realnega življenja in predlagajo uvedbo predmetov, ki se navezujejo na različna področja, kjer socialni delavci/delavke opravljajo svoj poklic.

Keywords:zgodovina socialnega dela v Sloveniji, bolonjska reforma, kompetence, pripravljenost na poklic
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Šmid]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (71 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127520 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:73699075 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Self-evaluation of the acquired competences and preparedness of the 4th year students for the profession of social work
In my thesis, I explore how many of the students feel ready for the profession of a social worker in their assessment and what are the main reasons for such an assessment. The theoretical part describes the history of social work in Slovenia, the beginnings of the Bologna process and the Bologna reform of the University of Ljubljana, as well as the success of the Bologna reform. I defined the concept of competencies and explained what their role was in education. In the conclusion of the introductory work, I focused on the employment of graduates in the context of the Bologna process where internship and professional examination are two important factors. My research was to find out whether students of the 4th year of the Faculty of Social Work are satisfied with the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired throughout the four years, whether they are satisfied with the subjects in the faculty, and what changes of the coursework would students suggest in order to be more prepared for the profession of the social worker. I was also interested in whether they have a sense of ability to pursue the profession of the social worker. My research is quantitative according to the selected data. Depending on the degree in the cognition process, it is descriptive and, ultimately, it is also empirical because I collected the data using a structured survey questionnaire. The survey involved full-time students in their 4th year at the Faculty of Social Work in Ljubljana in the school years 2018/2019 and 2019/2020. I found that students are quite satisfied with theoretical and practical knowledge as well as coursework, but they propose certain changes that would prepare them for the profession of social work even more. They think they are well prepared for the profession but would like to see more practical work in the faculty, more concrete experience in real life, and propose the introduction of subjects related to different areas where social workers perform their profession.

Keywords:history of social work in Slovenia, Bologna reform, competences, preparedness for the profession

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