
Spomin in spominjanje v romanih Jurija Trifonova Starec ter Danila Kiša Vrt, pepel
ID Praprotnik, Urša (Author), ID Matajc, Vanesa (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Podlesnik, Blaž (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo obravnava problematiko spomina in spominjanja v romanih Jurija Trifonova Starec (Старик, 1978) ter Danila Kiša Vrt, pepel (Bašta, pepeo, 1965). Osredotoča se na obravnavo in opredelitev spomina kot pomembnega deleža pri oblikovanju oziroma konstruiranju (lastne) preteklosti. Spomin ima funkcijo pričevalca (lastne) zgodovine, njene verifikacije (ki jo sočasno potrdijo tudi vložki dokumentarnega gradiva) ter konstituiranja identitete obeh protagonistov. Kjer moč spomina (hoteno ali nehoteno) zataji, se vmeša zapolnjevanje vrzeli iz (spominske) preteklosti z relativiziranjem resnice (Starec) ali z močjo domišljije (Vrt, pepel), oba aspekta pa sta tako močna in vseobsegajoča, da se zabrišejo sledi med resničnostjo (spomina) in fikcijo (le-tega). Spomin in spominjanje Letunova in Andija sta pomembna zaradi svoje vloge pri ustvarjanju zgodovinske preteklosti in resnice ter zaradi ustvarjanja identitete obeh protagonistov, udeleženih v mogočnem in neusmiljenem zgodovinskem času.

Keywords:Jurij Trifonov, Danilo Kiš, literatura in zgodovina, ruska književnost, srbska književnost, zgodovinski roman, pričevanjska literatura, dokumentarnost, spomin, resnica
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127490 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Memory and Remembrance in novels of Yuri Trifonov The Old Man and Danilo Kiš Garden, Ashes
The bachelor thesis addresses the question of memory and remembrance in the novels The Old man (Yuri Trifonov) and Garden, Ashes (Danilo Kiš). It focuses on the analysis and defining of memory as an important factor in forming or constituting ones' own past. Memory has the function of bearing witness to (ones’ own) history and its verification (which is simultaneously reinforced by documentary material) and also the establishment of the identity of both protagonists. Where the power of memory fails (voluntary or involuntary), the missing pieces are filled by the relativisation of truth (The Old man) or with the power of imagination (Garden, Ashes); both aspects are so powerful and overwhelming, that the boundaries between truth and fiction of memory are blurred. Memory and remembrance of Letunov and Andi are important for their role in the creation of the historical past and truth. Furthermore, they play the role of establishing the identity of the two protagonists, involved in the might and ruthlessness of historical time.

Keywords:Yuri Trifonov, Danilo Kiš, literature and history, Russian literature, Serbian literature, historical novel, autobiographical literature, documentarism, memory, truth

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