
Etična obravnava oseb, ki živijo s hivom, v zobozdravstvu : diplomsko delo
ID Draščič, Andreja (Author), ID Ovijač, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Leskovšek, Evita (Comentor), ID Thaler, Darja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Zaradi napredka na področju zdravljenja hiva osebe s hivom živijo bolje in dlje. S tem pa se povečuje število oseb s hivom, ki potrebujejo strokovno in sočutno zobozdravstveno obravnavo. Zobozdravstvena oskrba je za osebe s hivom pomembna zaradi odkrivanja okužbe, saj se prvi znaki bolezni navadno pojavijo v ustni votlini. Pomembna je tudi pri spremljanju napredovanja bolezni. Kljub pomenu zobozdravstvene oskrbe pa osebam s hivom veliko težavo povzroča stigma, ki je prisotna tudi med zdravstvenimi delavci, zlasti v zobozdravstvu. Zaradi družbenega strahu pred nalezljivo okužbo, neinformiranosti in nesprejemanja drugačnosti so osebe s hivom pogosto tarča stereotipov, predsodkov in diskriminatornega ravnanja. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je izpostaviti kršitve, s katerimi se pri zobozdravstveni obravnavi soočajo osebe s hivom, predstaviti vzroke zanje in opisati, katere aktivnosti so potrebne za zmanjševanje stigme in diskriminacije oseb s hivom v zobozdravstvu. Metode dela: Diplomsko delo temelji na deskriptivni metodi pregleda domače in tuje strokovne in znanstvene literature. Literaturo smo časovno omejili na obdobje od leta 2009 do leta 2019, pozneje pa smo obdobje razširili od leta 1992 do izdelave diplomskega dela. Uporabili smo oddaljen dostop do podatkovnih baz Medline, PubMed, Cinahl. Uporabili smo tudi spletna brskalnika Google in Google Scholar. Ključne besede, ki smo jih uporabili pri iskanju literature, so: hiv, stigma, dentistry, oral care, discrimination. Rezultati: Osebe s hivom pri zobozdravstveni obravnavi kljub jasni zakonodaji pogosto doživljajo odpor in zavračanje zdravstvenih delavcev. Zobozdravniki zaradi pretiranega strahu pred okužbo, pomanjkanja znanja in negativnih stališč neradi obravnavajo osebe s hivom. Razprava in zaključek: Osebe s hivom pri zobozdravstveni obravnavi doživljajo različne kršitve, kot so zavrnitev zobozdravstvene oskrbe, nadlegovanje in nespoštovanje zasebnosti. Za etično obravnavo oseb s hivom ne zadostujejo le strokovno znanje in praktične sposobnosti zobozdravnika, potrebna je celovita podpora. Potrebna je humana obravnava, ki vključuje tudi oblikovanje varnega okolja in ustrezno komunikacijo. Z izobraževanjem in ozaveščanjem je potrebno oblikovati pozitivna stališča zdravstvenih delavcev do oseb s hivom.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, hiv, stigma, diskriminacija, zobozdravstvo, osebe s hivom
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Draščič]
Number of pages:23 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127481 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:69368323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Ethical treatment of people living with hiv, in dentistry : diploma work
Introduction: Due to advances in HIV treatment, people diagnosed with HIV live better and longer. Hence the number of HIV-positive patients in need of professional and compassionate dental care is increasing. Dental care is important for detecting HIV infection. The first signs of HIV infection usually appear in the oral cavity. Furthermore, dental care is very important for monitoring the progression of the disease. Despite the importance of dental care, people living with HIV face a major problem due to the stigma which exists among health professionals, especially in dentistry. Due to societal fear of contagious infection, lack of information, and lack of acceptance of difference, they are often the target of stereotyping, prejudice and discriminatory treatment. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to highlight the violations which people with HIV face in dental treatment, to present the causes of these violations, and to describe the activities needed to reduce stigma and discrimination against them in dentistry. Methods: The diploma thesis is based on a descriptive method of reviewing domestic and foreign professional and scientific literature. The literature was limited to the period from 2009 to 2019, and later the period was increased from 1992 until the time when the thesis was completed. Remote access to Medline, PubMed, Cinahl databases was used for the research. Furthermore, Google web browser and Google Scholar were used. Keywords used in the literature search: hiv, stigma, dentistry, oral care, discrimination. Results: Despite clear legislation, people with HIV often experience resistance and rejection by health professionals in dental treatment. Dentists are reluctant to treat them due to excessive fear of infection, lack of knowledge and negative attitudes. Discussion and conclusion: People with HIV experience various violations in dental treatment, such as; denial of dental care, harassment, and disrespect of privacy. Ethical treatment requires more than the expertise and practical skills of the dentist; it requires comprehensive support. Humane treatment is needed, including the creation of a safe environment and appropriate communication. In conclusion, it is necessary to form positive attitudes of health professionals towards people with HIV through education and awareness-raising.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, hiv, stigma, discrimination, dentistry, people with HIV

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