
Politična ekologija alpske skupnosti St. Leonhard im Pitztal: Pogledi na razvoj smučarskega turizma in ledeniškega območja
ID Senčar Mrdaković, Marko (Author), ID Kozorog, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Repič, Jaka (Comentor)

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Pričujoče magistrsko delo je antropološka študija alpske skupnosti v občini St. Leonhard im Pitztal na avstrijskem Tirolskem. Prebivalstvo v tem kraju je v preteklosti pestila huda revščina, zato jih je veliko vsako leto sezonsko migriralo v druge kraje. Razvoj smučarskega turizma je domačinom omogočil zaposlitev v lokalnem okolju in korenito povečal kakovost njihovega življenja. Avtor magistrskega dela se osredotoča na področje smučarskega razvoja, na katerem so se v zadnjih desetletjih odvijale številne spremembe. Po eni strani obravnava pomembne prostorske spremembe, ki jih je leta 1983 prinesla izgradnja ledeniškega vlaka, ki obiskovalce vozi na ledenik. Od takrat naprej ima ledeniško območje osrednji gospodarski pomen za prebivalce v dolini. Po drugi strani so v tem diskurzu pomembne lastniške spremembe, saj večja smučišča v občini niso več v domači lasti, temveč si jih lastijo podjetniki iz Innsbrucka. Ob upoštevanju teh sprememb avtor interpretira ekonomske in ekološke interese različnih akterjev v okviru načrtovanja razvojnih projektov na ledeniškem območju. Politična ekologija in politične konfiguracije, ki se odvijajo v odnosih med človekom in okoljem, so v središču obravnave. Ob tem se avtor sprašuje o moči in pomenu alpske skupnosti.

Keywords:alpska skupnost, politična ekologija, turizem, migracije, ledenik, St. Leonhard im Pitztal
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127404 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.06.2021
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Title:Political Ecology of the Alpine Community St. Leonhard im Pitztal: Perspectives on Development of the Ski Tourism and Glacier Area
This master's thesis is an anthropological study of the Alpine community in the municipality of St. Leonhard im Pitztal in Tyrol, Austria. In the past, the population of this village was plagued by great poverty, so that a large part of the population migrated seasonally to other places every year. The development of ski tourism has allowed the locals to work in their municipality and radically increase their quality of life. The author of the master's thesis focuses on the area of ski development, where many changes have taken place in the last decades. On the one hand, it deals with the important spatial changes in 1983 brought by the construction of the glacier express that transports visitors to the glacier. Since then, the glacier area has been of central economic importance for the valley's inhabitants. Secondly, the changes in ownership are significant in this discourse, as the larger ski areas in the community are no longer locally owned, but are owned by entrepreneurs from Innsbruck. Taking these changes into account, the author attempts to interpret the economic and ecological interests of different actors in the context of planning development projects in the glacier area. Political ecology and the political configurations that play out in the relationship between people and the environment are the focus of attention. At the same time, the author raises the question of the strength and significance of the alpine community.

Keywords:alpine community, political ecology, tourism, migrations, glacier, St. Leonhard im Pitztal

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