
Zgodovinske vsebine v učbenikih za predmet domovinska in državljanska kultura ter etika : magistrsko delo
ID Zupančič, Mateja (Author), ID Trškan, Danijela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga z naslovom Zgodovinske vsebine v učbenikih za predmet domovinska in državljanska kultura ter etika (v nadaljevanju DKE) pojasnjuje, kakšna je povezanost zgodovinskih vsebin in vsebin pri predmetu domovinska in državljanska kultura ter etika in kako se to odraža v učbenikih, učnih načrtih in pri izvedbi učnih ur. Naloga vključuje analizo učnega načrta za DKE, ki kaže na številne navezave na predmet zgodovina. V skladu z učnim načrtom so večinoma napisani tudi potrjeni učbeniki za DKE za 7. in 8. razred, ki smo jih analizirali in pri tem ugotovili, da vsebujejo navezave na zgodovinske vsebine, ki jih učenci spoznavajo v osnovni šoli. Z namenom dokazati, da se lahko izvede učna ura pri DKE v 7. in 8. razredu s poudarkom na zgodovini za vsak vsebinski sklop in z vsemi učnimi metodami in učnimi sredstvi, smo v 7. razredu izvedli učno uro z naslovom Nastanek Republike Slovenije, v 8. razredu pa učno uro z naslovom Kaj je demokracija. Dokazali smo visoko stopnjo medpredmetnega povezovanja in navezovanja med predmetoma na ravni vsebine, učnih metod in učnih sredstev. Rezultati ankete, ki je bila izvedena med učenci, in intervjujev, ki so bili opravljeni z učitelji, ki poučujejo DKE, kažejo, da je učbenik še vedno zelo pomembno učno sredstvo in je pri pouku koristen, saj omogoča ponovno branje obravnavane teme. Z magistrsko nalogo želimo spodbuditi učitelje k iskanju medpredmetnih povezav in k njihovemu vključevanju v pouk zgodovine in DKE.

Keywords:zgodovinske vsebine, domovinska in državljanska kultura ter etika, zgodovina, učna sredstva, medpredmetno povezovanje, učbeniki za DKE, osnovna šola
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Zupančič]
Number of pages:124 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127400 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:66195459 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:History in Patriotic and Civic Culture and Ethics Textbooks
Master's thesis entitled History in Patriotic and Civic Culture and Ethics Textbooks (hereafter PCE) textbooks explains the connection among history related contents and those addressed within the subject patriotic and civic culture and ethics. Furthermore, it shows how these connections are reflected in textbooks, curricula and during lessons. The thesis includes the analysis of PCE curriculum, which shows many correlations with the school subject history. Confirmed PCE textbooks for 7th and 8th grade are also written in accordance with school curriculum and the research has shown that those analysed textbooks contain correlations with history related content, taught at primary school. To prove that it is possible to prepare and conduct a PCE lesson in 7th and 8th grade with the emphasis on history for each content section, we prepared a 7th grade lesson entitled The origin of the Republic of Slovenia and an 8th grade lesson entitled What is democracy. We have proven a high level of cross-curricular links and correlations between the two subjects as far as contents, teaching methods and teaching materials are concerned. Based on the results of a survey concluded among the students and interviews with PCE teachers we can conclude that textbook is still a very important teaching aid and it is useful during lessons as it enables re-reading the addressed topics. The aim of this thesis is to encourage teachers to search for cross-curricular links and include them in the History and PCE lessons.

Keywords:history related content, patriotic and civic culture and ethics, history, teaching materials, cross-curricular links, PCE textbooks, primary school

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