
Reinženiring procesov terminske in stroškovne spremljave gradnje z BIM : magistrsko delo
ID Gortnar, Jernej (Author), ID Cerovšek, Tomo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V nalogi je obravnavno spremljanje gradnje s pristopom BIM. Osredotoča se le na terminsko in stroškovno spremljanje gradnje z metodo kritične poti in metodo prislužene vrednosti. Poudarek je na načrtovanju spremljanja gradnje z BIM in na študiji primera infrastrukturnega objekta. Modeli procesov se prikažejo z metodo integrirane definicije funkcij modeliranja – IDEF0 in z zapisom korakov modeliranja poslovnega procesa – BPMN. Primer se prikaže v programskem orodju Bexel Manager in z grafičnim prikazovalnikom Power BI. Naloga obsega primer spremljanja gradnje in uporabe BIM za kontrolo terminskega plana ter stroškov kot tudi določitev ključnih kazalcev uspešnosti – KPI (angl. Key Performance Indicators) za doseganje zastavljenih terminskih in stroškovnih ciljev projekta. S študijo primer se po korakih procesnega modela prikaže, kako spremljanje gradnje poteka v praksi.

Keywords:Spremljanje gradnje z BIM, metoda prislužene vrednosti, metoda kritične poti, terminsko spremljanje gradnje, stroškovno spremljanje gradnje, Bexel Manager, prenova poslovnih procesov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Gortnar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127385 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:71665923 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.06.2021
GORTNAR, Jernej, 2021, Reinženiring procesov terminske in stroškovne spremljave gradnje z BIM : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : J. Gortnar. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:Business Process Reengineering of the Time and Cost Monitoring With BIM : master thesis
In master's thesis there is discussion about BIM progress monitoring of construction. The main discussion is about schedule and cost monitoring with Critical Path Method – CPM and Earned Value Management – EVM. The emphasis is on planning of business processes for construction monitoring with BIM, shown and explained on case study from actual infrastructure project. Business processes are shown with Integrated Definition of Function Modelling – IDEF0 and Business Process Modelling Notation – BPMN. Software used for monitoring is Bexel Manager and for graphical presentations Power BI. The thesis discusses further about construction monitoring, use of BIM for cost and schedule control and setting the right Key Performance Indicators – KPI’s for reaching project schedule and cost goals. Use of presented construction monitoring process in practice is explained with case study.

Keywords:BIM based construction monitoring, project monitoring, earned value management, critical path method, schedule monitoring, cost monitoring, Bexel Manager, BIM, Business process reengineering, BIM processes

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