
Nastanek Seminarja slovenskega jezika, literature in kulture - čas spremembe jezikoslovnega koncepta
ID Vidovič-Muha, Ada (Author)

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Ni naključje, da sodi k temeljnim prvinam 60. let tudi ideja o mednarodni predstavitvi slovenske humanistične misli, saj so ta leta v konceptualnem smislu zaznamovana kot najustvarjalnejše obdobje slovenističnega jezikoslovja in literarne vede 20. stoletja. Tako kot zaznamuje jezikoslovje tega časa ambicija oblikovati na podlagi jezikovne realnosti lastni, od drugih ved neodvisni koncept, zaznamuje podobna ambicija tudi literarno vedo: iz ustvarjalne realnosti umetnostne besede oblikovati svojo celovito podobo. Zasnova Seminarja slovenskega jezika, literature in kulture (SSJLK) je gradila na dveh oz. treh, za tisti čas presežnih temeljih: na interdisciplinarnosti - slovenistika je izstopila iz svojih strokovnih okvirov in pritegnila v svoj koncept vsa humanistična področja -, in na mednarodnosti - z vsemi humanističnimi vedami je izstopila iz državnega okvira in tako omogočila mednarodni strokovni dialog; tretja temeljna lastnost se pravzaprav navezuje na predhodno, na mednarodnost: SSJLK omogoča ustvarjati razmerje do nas samih na podlagi neposredne izkušnje bivanja v našem prostoru in - prek učenja jezika - prihajati v neposredni stik z našim življenjem in kulturo.

Keywords:slovenščina, Seminar slovenskega jezika, literature in kulture, zgodovinski pregledi
Typology:1.08 - Published Scientific Conference Contribution
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Number of pages:Str. 127-132
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127366 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:54746978 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.06.2021
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Prihodnost v slovenskem jeziku, literaturi in kulturi : zbornik predavanj
Editors:Hotimir Tivadar
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete
COBISS.SI-ID:274306816 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

It is no coincidence that one of the key elements of the 1960's was the idea of the international presentation of the findings of the Slovene humanities, since in a conceptual sense that decade was marked as the most creative period in the 20th century for Slovene-oriented linguistics and literary studies. Just as the linguistics of that time was marked by an ambition to develop independent of other disciplines, relying on language reality, literary studies hoped to base itself wholly on the creative reality of literary texts. The form taken by the Seminar of Slovene Language, Literature and Culture (SSLLC) depended on two or three ground-breaking approaches: firstly interdisciplinarity, with Slovene Studies reaching outside its academic framework, drawing in every field of the humanities; secondly internationality, stepping outside national boundaries and thus facilitating international scholarly dialogue; while the third basic quality is also connected with the second: the SSLLC allows us in a sense to adopt a stance towards ourselves on the basis of our direct experience of living in this environment and - through learning the language - to come into direct contact with our life and culture.

Keywords:Slovenian, Seminar of slovene language, literature and culture, historical survey

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