
Javna podpora leposlovnemu prevajanju v slovenščino
ID Šturm, Eva (Author), ID Blatnik, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi smo preučili, kako so se od leta 1991 spreminjala sredstva za subvencioniranje leposlovnega prevajanja v slovenščino. Pregledali smo javna sredstva, namenjena izdajanju knjig, ki jih podeljujeta Javna agencija za knjigo RS in prej Ministrstvo za kulturo. Ugotovljene spremembe smo analizirali ter primerjali stanje na področju prevodnega in izvirnega leposlovja. Prav tako smo preučili trende izdajanja knjig v nesubvencioniranem programu ter jih primerjali s spremembami v subvencioniranem. Namen naloge je prikazati javno podporo leposlovnemu prevajanju v slovenščino ter opozoriti na pomembnost državnega sofinanciranja knjižne produkcije.

Keywords:financiranje, leposlovje, prevajanje, prevodi, Slovenija, založništvo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127317 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.06.2021
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Title:Public funds for translating literature into Slovene
In the Master's thesis we examined how the funding for translating literature into Slovene have changed since 1991. We reviewed public funds intended for book publishing, especially those assigned by Slovenian Book Agency and formerly by the Ministry of Culture. We analysed the identified changes and made a comparison of them between the field of translated and original literature. We also examined the changes of non-funded book publishing programs and compared them to the changes in the funded ones. The purpose of this thesis is to show the changes in public funds for translating literature into Slovene and to point out the importance of public funding in book publishing field.

Keywords:funding, literature, translating, translations, Slovenia, publishing

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