
Oblikovanje cen v javnih in zasebnih vrtcih ter vrtcih s koncesijo v občini Grosuplje : diplomsko delo
ID Ceglar, Ana (Author), ID Petkovšek, Veronika (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Predšolsko vzgojo v Sloveniji izvajajo tako javni kot zasebni vrtci. Ključni akter pri uveljavitvi vrtca, tako javnega kot zasebnega, je občina. Občina deluje kot ustanovitelj in financer javnih vrtcev in potrjuje cene programov predšolske vzgoje. Poleg ustanovitve javnega vrtca lahko občina podeli koncesijo zasebnemu vrtcu, če ta izpolnjuje potrebne pogoje. Vsi pogoji delovanja vrtca so določeni v Zakonu o vrtcih Republike Slovenije. Predšolska vzgoja je financirana iz občinskih proračunov, plačil staršev in drugih virov. Pri oblikovanju cene programa vrtca se upošteva Pravilnik o metodologiji za oblikovanje cen programov v vrtcih. Plačilo staršev določi Center za socialno delo na podlagi premoženja staršev, katere razvrsti v dohodkovne razrede. Občina sofinancira del cene programa vrtca tako v javnem kot zasebnem programu. Ključne elemente pri oblikovanju cene programa vsakega vrtca predstavljajo stroški dela, stroški materiala in storitev ter stroški živil za otroke. V diplomskem delu so predstavljene razlike med javnimi in zasebnimi vrtci ter vrtci s koncesijo, pri čemer je poudarek na metodologiji oblikovanja cen varstva predšolskih otrok. Rezultati diplomske naloge kažejo, da največji strošek pri oblikovanju cene vrtca predstavlja strošek dela zaposlenih. Večje kot je število vpisanih otrok, nižja je cena vrtca, saj se vsi trije osnovni elementi oblikovanja delijo s številom otrok. Raziskava je pokazala, da se občini bolj splača podeljevati koncesijo kot graditi vrtce. Razlog je v tem, da investicijski stroški ne spadajo v ceno programa, vendar v celoti padejo na ustanovitelja vrtca. Tako so občini z vidika podeljevanja koncesij prihranjeni ti stroški investicij.

Keywords:predšolska vzgoja, vrtec, občina, financiranje, oblikovanje cene programa
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Ceglar]
Number of pages:X, 54 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127286 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:65572355 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.06.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Pricing in public, private and concessioned kindergartens in the Municipality of Grosuplje
Pre-school education in Slovenia is provided by both public and private kindergartens. The key player in establishing a kindergarten, both public and private, is the municipality. The municipality acts as the founder and financier of public kindergartens and approves the prices of preschool education programs. In addition to the establishment of a public kindergarten, the municipality may grant a concession to a private kindergarten if it meets the necessary conditions. All conditions for the operation of a kindergarten are determined in the Kindergartens Act of the Republic of Slovenia. Pre-school education is financed from municipal budgets, parental payments and other sources. When setting the price of a kindergarten program, the Rules on the methodology for setting the prices of kindergarten programs are taken into account. Parental remuneration is determined by the Center for Social Work on the basis of the property of the parents, which classifies them into income classes. The municipality co-finances part of the price of the kindergarten program in both public and private programs. The key elements in setting the price of the program of each kindergarten are the cost of labor, the cost of materials and services, and the cost of food for children. The diploma thesis presents the differences between public and private kindergartens and kindergartens with a concession, with an emphasis on the methodology of pricing the care of preschool children. The results of the diploma thesis show that the greatest cost in setting the price of kindergarten is the cost of labor of employees. The higher the number of children enrolled, the lower the price of kindergarten, as all three design elements are divided by the number of children. Research has shown that it pays more for a municipality to grant a concession than to build kindergartens. The reason is that the investment costs do not fall into the price of the program, but fall entirely on the founder of the kindergarten. Thus, from the point of view of granting concessions, the municipality is saved from these investment costs.

Keywords:preschool education, kindergarten, municipality, financing, program price formation

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