
Preprečevanje poškodbe zaradi pritiska pri osebi s pridobljeno poškodbo hrbtenjače : diplomsko delo
ID Spahić, Anesa (Author), ID Pađen, Ljubiša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pajnič, Manca (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Globalna incidenca okvare hrbtenjače znaša od 40 do 80 primerov na milijon prebivalcev letno. Že v akutni fazi po poškodbi ali pa kasneje v poteku zdravljenja se lahko pojavi poškodba zaradi pritiska. Prekine lahko rehabilitacijo poškodovanca in zmanjša možnost za vključitev poškodovanca v socialno okolje, obenem pa predstavlja tudi fizično, čustveno in socialno preobremenitev pacienta in njegove družine ter znatno poslabša kakovost njegovega življenja. Nastanek pogojuje preplet treh ključnih vzrokov, to so intenzivnost pritiska, trajanje pritiska in tkivna toleranca na pritisk. Zdravljenje je dolgotrajno in stroškovno neučinkovito, zato se pojavljajo številna prizadevanja za preprečevanje poškodb zaradi pritiska. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je proučiti dejavnike tveganja ter predstaviti preventivne ukrepe pri nastanku poškodb zaradi pritiska pri osebah s pridobljeno poškodbo hrbtenjače. Metode: Pri izdelavi diplomskega dela smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela s pregledom znanstvene in strokovne literature. Pregled temeljne literature v angleščini je potekal s pomočjo podatkovnih baz CINAHL in MEDLINE (preko PubMed). Postavljene so bile naslednje omejitve: zadetki s polnim besedilom, recenzirane znanstvene revije, angleški jezik. Rezultati: Med ključnimi ukrepi preprečevanja razvoja poškodbe zaradi pritiska so ocenjevanje tveganj na osnovi dejavnikov tveganja, redno pregledovanje, redno premeščanje, uporaba pripomočkov za razbremenitev, skrb za higieno ter poučitev pacienta o skrbi za njegovo splošno zdravje. Medicinska sestra je tista, ki mora poznati dejavnike tveganja, pri delu pa uporablja različne pripomočke (kot so instrumenti za ocenjevanje tveganja in naprave za premikanje pacienta) ter imeti predvsem razpoložljive kadrovske vire. Razprava in zaključek: Preventiva pred poškodbo zaradi pritiska se pri osebah s poškodbo hrbtenjače začne takoj po poškodbi in pred prihodom v zdravstveno ustanovo. Po prvem ocenjevanju pacientove ogroženosti medicinska sestra začne izvajati načrt ter ukrepe zoper nastanek poškodb zaradi pritiska, in sicer z intervencijami, kot so redno obračanje, skrb za kožo in pravilna uporaba pripomočkov, kar pomaga pri preprečevanju poškodbe zaradi pritiska. Pri delu medicinske sestre je pomembno izobraževanje, učenje, razpolaganje z zadostnim številom pripomočkov ter tudi z ustreznim številom zaposlenih.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, preventiva, rane, razjede zaradi pritiska, medicinske sestre
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Spahić]
Number of pages:31 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127253 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:65146627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.05.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Prevention of pressure injuries in individuals with spinal cord injuries : diploma work
Introduction: The global incidence of spinal cord injury is estimated at 40 to 80 cases in a million per year. Presure injury can occur in the acute phase after the spinal cord injury, or much later, during the treatment and rehabilitation. The pressure injury can interrupt the rehabilitation of the person injured and reduces the possibility of his integration back into the social environment. In addition, it poses a threat of physical, emotional and social overload of the person affected, along with his whole family, and significantly worsens the quality of life. The formation of injury is conditioned by the intertwinement of three key causes, that being the intensity of the pressure, its duration and tissue tolerance for pressure. The treatment is long-lasting and cost-inefficient, which is why several strong prevention methods are emerging. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma thesis was to study and determine different risk factors, and to present preventive measures in the placement for the occurrence of pressure injuries in persons with acquired spinal cord injury. Methods: In the preparation of the Diploma thesis, a descriptive method of work was used by reviewing the scientific and professional literature. A review of fundamental literature in English language was conducted with the help of CINAHL and MEDLINE (via PubMed) databases. Following filters were applied: Full text hits, peer-review journals, English language. Results: Key interventions for preventing pressure injuries include risk assessment based on risk factors, regular examination, regular relocation, hygiene care and the patient’s education about general health. The nurse is the one who has to be acquainted with risk factors and has to use various equipment at work (such as risk assessment instruments and devices for moving the patient). It is also important that she has available human resources. Discussion and Conclusion: Pressure injury prevention for people with spinal cord injury begins immediately after the injury and upon arrival to a health care institution. After the first assessment of the patient’s risk, the nurse forms a plan and initiates the interventions for pressure injury prevention. The nurse prevents pressure injury with regular turning, skin care and correct use of the equipment. Education and life-long learning, having a sufficient amount of equipment, along with the adequate number of employees, are all of the factors needed for a proper registered nurse’s work.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, prevention, wounds, pressure sores, nurses

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