
Medmišična razmerja moči in poškodbe ramenskega sklepa : magistrsko delo
ID Jošt, Matija (Author), ID Hadžić, Vedran (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Filipčič, Aleš (Comentor)

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Ramenski obroč je najgibljivejši sklep v telesu, pri katerem je bila stabilnost sklepa »žrtvovana« na račun gibljivosti. Ravno zaradi tega je za normalno delovanje ramenskega obroča potrebna ohranjena funkcija dinamičnih stabilizatorjev sklepa ter usklajeno delovanje ramenskega obroča s sosednjimi sklepi. Pri metalnih športih, kjer se gibi večinoma izvajajo nad glavo, ti povzročajo visoko tveganje za nastanek poškodb ramenskega obroča, saj se rama spopada z velikimi obremenitvami in silami med metanjem, serviranjem ali udarjanjem. Izmerjena moč rotatorne manšete pri športnikih iz ogroženih športov je pokazala bilateralne razlike moči, in sicer manjšo moč zunanjih rotatorjev in večjo moč notranjih rotatorjev v primerjavi z nemetalno roko. Posledično je tudi razmerje moči med notranjo in zunanjo rotacijo nižje pri metalni/igralni roki. Zato je redno spremljanje dejavnikov tveganja pri zdravih in poškodovanih, kot je razmerje moči rotatorne manšete, za zdravje športnikov izrednega pomena. Pri raziskovalni nalogi smo se osredotočili na primerjavo razmerja moči notranje in zunanje rotacije rame in razmerje med dominantno in nedominantno stranjo. S tem bi radi ugotovili, ali in kako so ti parametri povezani s poškodbami rame. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 73 mladih tenisačev. Preizkušanci so v povprečju stari 17 let. Izmed 73 merjencev jih je 36 (49 %) poročalo o poškodbah rame. Za meritve izometrične moči zunanjih in notranjih rotatorjev rame smo uporabili ročni dinamometer MicroFET 2 Wireless. Po opravljeni raziskavi smo zavrnili obe hipotezi, saj nismo odkrili povezanosti med medmišičnim razmerjem in bolečinami v rami. Prav tako nismo odkrili povezanosti med asimetrijami jakosti in poškodbami rame. Glede na rezultat naše raziskave lahko sklepamo, da za ugotovitev potencialnih poškodb ali razloga za poškodbe rame in bolečine v rami ni dovolj testirati le mišično jakost zunanjih in notranjih rotatorjev rame, saj le ti podatki ne dajo dovolj informacij. Menimo, da je treba zaradi kompleksne zgradbe ramenskega obroča v primeru poškodb gledati veliko širšo sliko in upoštevati tudi druge potencialne dejavnike, ki lahko vplivajo na bolečine oziroma poškodbe.

Keywords:ramenski obroč, tenis, mišična asimetrija, poškodbe, rotatorna manšeta
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127211 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:66966531 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.05.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Intermuscular strength ratio and injuries of the shoulder girdle
The shoulder girdle is the most mobile joint in the body. The stability of the joint is lowered to achieve greater mobility. Due to this, the normal function of the shoulder girdle requires retained function of dynamic joint stabilizers and synchronised operation of the shoulder joint with the neighbouring joints. In throwing sports, the movements, which are mostly executed above the head, represent a high risk for damaging the shoulder girdle as the shoulder is exposed to great strain and forces during throwing, serving and hitting. The measured strength of the rotator cuff in overhead athletes showed bilateral differences of strength, namely lower strength of external rotators and greater strength of internal rotators in comparison to the non-throwing arm. The strength ratio between the internal and external rotation is therefore lower in the throwing/playing arm. That is why regular monitoring of risk factors, such as the strength ratio of the rotator cuff, in healthy and injured athletes is extremely important for their health. In this master’s thesis we focused on comparing the ratio of internal and external shoulder rotation and the ratio between the dominant and non-dominant arm. With this we wanted to determine whether and how these parameters are related to shoulder injuries. Our research included 73 young tennis players. The average age of the participants was 17 years. Of the 73 participants, 36 (49%) reported shoulder injuries. We used the manual dynamometer MicroFET 2 Wireless to measure isometric strength of the external and internal shoulder rotators. With this research we rejected both hypotheses. The results showed no relation between intermuscular ratio and shoulder pain. We also did not find a connection between strength asymmetry and shoulder injuries. Based on the results of this research, we can infer that testing the muscle strength of external and internal shoulder rotators is insufficient to determine potential injuries or the cause of shoulder injuries and pain, as these data do not provide enough information. We propose that in the case of injuries to the shoulder girdle, we must look at a much broader picture due to the joint’s complex structure and consider other potential factors which could cause injuries or pain.

Keywords:shoulder, tennis, muscle asymmetry, injury, rotator cuff

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