
Razlike v telesnih značilnostih in gibalnih sposobnostih med dijaki splošnih in športnih oddelkov Gimnazije Šiška : magistrsko delo
ID Janežič, Lara (Author), ID Čoh, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Starc, Gregor (Comentor)

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Slovenci smo športni narod z velikim številom vrhunskih športnikov, kar mlade športnike še dodatno spodbuja, da se po končani osnovni šoli odločijo za srednješolsko izobraževanje v športnem oddelku. Gimnazija Šiška mladim športnikom že 31 let ponuja in organizira športne oddelke, kjer mladi lažje usklajujejo šolske in športne obveznosti hkrati. Dijaki tako s pomočjo športnih in pedagoških koordinatorjev, organiziranih ur dodatne učne pomoči, prilagajanja ustnih in pisnih preizkusov znanja, lahko uspešno opravljajo šolske obveznosti in hkrati intenzivno napredujejo na športnem področju. Dijaki v športnih oddelkih imajo večji obseg ur predmeta športna vzgoja. V enem šolskem letu to pomeni, da imajo od 61 do 78 ur predmeta športne vzgoje več, kot dijaki splošnega oddelka Gimnazije Šiška. Namen našega raziskovanja je bil ugotoviti ali obstajajo statistično značilne razlike v telesnem in gibalnem razvoju med dijaki gimnazije Šiška, ki so vključeni v splošni oddelek in tistimi, ki so vključeni v športni oddelek ter med dijaki, ki so vključeni v heterogen oddelek in tistimi, ki so vključeni v homogen oddelek. Primerjali smo tudi razlike v telesnem in gibalnem razvoju med dijaki Gimnazije Šiška in slovenskim reprezentativnim vzorcem. V naši raziskavi je vzorec merjencev vključeval 73 dijakov in dijakinj. Meritve so opravili športni pedagogi v mesecu aprilu. Podatki so bili zbrani v šolskem letu 2016/17. S statistično obdelavo podatkov smo ugotovili, da se dijaki in dijakinje športnih oddelkov statistično razlikujejo od dijakov in dijakinj, ki obiskujejo splošne oddelke. V večini merskih nalog športno vzgojnega kartona so dosegali boljše rezultate. Največje razlike smo opazili pri manjšem odstotku podkožnega maščevja in boljše rezultate pri teku na 600 m, poligonu nazaj in vesi v zgibu, pri dijakih ki obiskujejo športne oddelke. Iz rezultatov lahko sklepamo kako pomemben vpliv ima načrtovana in pravilno usmerjena ura športne vzgoje na športne dosežke in na same rezultate merskih nalog dijakov in dijakinj. Dijaki in dijakinje športnih oddelkov so boljši v gibalnih sposobnostih, katere imajo visok koeficient dednosti (hitrost) in gibalnih sposobnostih, katere so v večji meri odvisne od trenažnega procesa in nimajo visokega koeficienta dednosti (moč). Tukaj lahko vidimo kako pomembno vlogo ima primerna, vsebinsko usmerjena športna vzgoja in vsakodnevna športna aktivnost v klubih.

Keywords:športni oddelki, Gimnazija Šiška, morfološke značilnosti, gibalne sposobnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127210 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:66965763 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.05.2021
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Secondary language

Slovenians are a sports nation with many top athletes, which furthermore encourages children to enrol in high schools with sports program/departments. Gimnazija Šiška has been offering and organizing sports departments for young athletes for 31 years. Their goal is to make it easier for students to coordinate school and sport obligations. With the help of sports (physical education teachers) and pedagogical coordinators, organized hours of additional learning assistance, adaptation of oral and written tests, athletes can successfully complete school obligations and at the same time make intensive progress in the field of sports. Students in sports departments also have a larger range of hours for physical education, which means that in one school year they have from 61 to 78 more hours of physical education than students of the general departments. The purpose of our study was to determine whether there are statistically significant differences in physical and motor development between students of Gimnazija Šiška who are included in general departments and in sports departments and also between students who are included in heterogeneous sports departments (different sports) and in homogeneous departments (same sport). Then we also compared the differences in physical and motor development between students of Gimnazija Šiška and the Slovenian representative sample. In our study the sample included 73 male and female students. The measurements were performed by sports educators in April in the 2016/17 school year. Through statistical data process we found that students of sports departments are statistically different from those who attend general classes/departments. They achieved better results in most of the measurement tasks of the sports education card. The largest differences were observed in the percentage of subcutaneous fat, which was lower in sports departments and in the 600-m run test, polygon backwards test and flexed arm hang test in which disciplines sport departments were also more successful. From the results we can see what impact the planned and correctly directed physical education classes have on sports achievements and on the results of measurement tasks of male and female students. Sports students are better in motor skills, which have a high coefficient of heredity (speed) and motor skills, which are more dependent on the training process and do not have a high coefficient of heredity (strength). Here we can also see the important role of appropriate, content-oriented physical education and daily sports activity in clubs.

Keywords:sports departments, Šiška High School, morphological characteristics, motor skills

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