The procedure of issuing building permit is a special administrative procedure, which is in the first level led by adminstrative unit and in the second level by Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, which decides on appeals against the issued decision. In leading and deciding administrative units must comply provisions of the Construction act, and subsidiary the Act of General Administrative Procedure and other regulations. The procedure begins with submission of a request by the main party for the building permit, which must include all the necessary documentation and required consents.
In the theoretical part of my my final bachelor’s thesis, I used dogmatic method, normative method and method of description, which helped me to study the domestic and foreign literature. In the empirical part of my work I conducted an interview with a representative of administrative unit and through the analysis of primary and secondary sources I analyzed existing researches and the substantive report of the administrative unit. Then I used comparative method and compared the obtained results and summarized the findings.
I found out that accessory participants aren't the main reason for prolonged process of issuing a building permit. The main reason is deficient and superficial work of a project leader in preparing project documentation. Consequently the admistrative unit repeatedly invites the project leader and the investor to supplement the documentation. Reasons that influence the length of the whole procedure is the size of administrative unit, which annually records an increase in applications for building permits, the other element is malnutrition of employees, which leads to the fact that the resolution of each case is postponed to the next reporting year.