
Veliko podatkovje kot element presoje koncentracij tehnoloških gigantov
ID Cerovšek, Jakob (Author), ID Grilc, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga analizira področje koncentracij tehnoloških gigantov z elementi velikega podatkovja s poudarkom na poglobljeni analizi in uporabnosti načel, orodij in testov konkurenčnega prava EU z vidika specifičnih pravnih in ekonomskih prvin velikega podatkovja. Slednje na čelu z brezplačno naravo storitev in produktov podjetij, ki se v veliki meri opirajo na uporabo velikega podatkovja, predstavlja velik izziv za konkurenčno pravo, ki sloni na cenovnih elementih konkurence. Naloga raziskuje dosedanjo prakso Evropske komisije preko obravnave elementov hitrosti, obsega, raznolikosti in vrednosti podatkov dimenzij velikega podatkovja ter opredelitve podatkovnih nizov dimenzij velikega podatkovja kot delno izključljive in nerivalne dobrine ter vpliva na morebitne pro(ti)konkurenčne učinke obravnavanih koncentracij. Predstavljeni so nekateri izzivi pri določanju upoštevnega trga ter merjenju tržne moči kot so predvsem posredni in neposredni omrežni učinki, možnost prevešenja trgov ter večstranska struktura trgov. Obravnavamo tudi teorije škode zaradi nastanka protikonkurenčnih posledic kot so ustvarjanje prevladujočega položaja na trgih pozornosti, izguba potencialne konkurence in vzpodbud za inovacije, veliko podatkovje kot ključen vir za udeležbo na izbranih trgih ter združene in vezane prodaje, ki temeljijo na izkoriščanju velikega podatkovja. Obravnavani so nekateri korektivni ukrepi in učinkovitosti zaradi izvedenih koncetracij tehnoloških gigantov, ki izhajajo iz lastnosti velikega podatkovja. Z vidika posledic za konkurenčnopravno obravnavno velikega podatkovja pa so predstavljeni tudi nedavni predlogi ex ante regulacije vratarjev, ki so ponudniki osnovnih storitev platforme.

Keywords:Veliko podatkovje, tehnološki giganti, konkurenčno pravo, koncentracije, združitve in prevzemi, platforme, digitalni trgi, ex ante regulacija.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127130 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:67183875 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.05.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Big data as an element of assessment of big tech mergers in EU competition law
The thesis explores big data-driven mergers of the big tech companies, focusing on an analysis of EU competition law principles, tools and tests and their applicability in light of specific legal and economic properties of big data. This includes in particular the free provision of products and services in markets where big data plays a major role and the corresponding challenges for the price-based competition law in the absence of its main parameter of competition. We explore to what extent has the EU Commission already addressed the properties of big data such as its volume, variety, velocity, value, its partially excludable and non-rivalrous nature and whether this had an effect on treating a merger as pro- or anti-competitive. Moreover, the distinct features of observed markets such as very pronounced (in)direct network effects, market-tipping and multi-sided structure of markets are considered to discuss the challenges for the definition of relevant markets and the assessment of market power. The thesis explores the various data-based theories of harm ranging from the strengthening of dominance in attention markets, loss of potential competition or innovation competition, big data as an essential input to compete to tying and bundling practices involving big data. The thesis also considers data-specific remedies and possible efficiencies brought about with mergers involving the big tech companies that feature the element of big data. Recent proposals for ex ante regulation of gatekeepers active in digital markets and other initiatives for reforms of EU competition law are featured when discussing a competition law treatment of big data.

Keywords:Big data, big tech, competition law, concentration, mergers and acquisitions, platforms, digital markets, Digital Markets Act.

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