
ID Žetko, Ana (Author), ID Twrdy, Elen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Razvoj prometa pomembno vpliva na prebivalstvo in gospodarstvo v svetu ter posledično na spremembo glavnih prometnih tokov med posameznimi deli sveta. Prometna omrežja so osrčje dobavne verige in temelj gospodarstva vseh držav. Evropa se kar uspešno razvija, predvsem zaradi njene dobre zemljepisne lege. Ima dobre medcelinske povezave in s tem je v prednosti pri sodelovanju z ostalimi celinami, zlasti pri razvoju in organizaciji energetskega in prometnega omrežja ter pri učinkovitem izkoriščanju pomorskega prometa. Z vse hitrejšim razvojem prometnih aktivnosti pa prihaja tudi do vse večjega konflikta med transportnimi panogami in okoljem. Obremenjevanje okolja iz prometa postaja vse intenzivnejše. Prometna infrastruktura fizično posega v prostor, promet, ki poteka po njej, pa onesnažuje okolje in živo naravo, zato imata tako Evropska unija kot tudi Republika Slovenija napisano prometno politiko, ki spremlja, analizira in predvideva razvoj prometnega sistema. Prometna politika je pomemben dejavnik vsakega posameznega okolja, saj vpliva na gospodarske dejavnosti, socialni razvoj, skrbi za zmanjševanje emisij v zraku ipd. Glavni cilj evropske prometne politike je vzpostaviti sistem, ki podpira gospodarski napredek, konkurenčnost in ponuja visokokakovostne storitve mobilnosti ob učinkovitejši uporabi virov. Razvoj našega kontinenta bo odvisen od sposobnosti vseh držav, da ostanejo v celoti in na konkurenčen način vključene v svetovno gospodarstvo. Evropski promet je na razpotju, saj stari izzivi ostajajo, pojavili pa so se tudi novi.

Keywords:promet, razvoj prometa, rast prometa, prometna politika, prometna infrastruktura, onesnaževanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127105 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.05.2021
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The development of transport has a significant impact on the world's population and economy, and consequently on the change in the main traffic flows between different parts of the world. Transport networks are at the heart of the supply chain and are thus the cornerstone of each country’s economy. Europe is developing quite successfully, mainly due to its good geographical location. It has good intercontinental connections, which gives it an advantage in cooperating with other continents, especially in the development and organization of energy and transport networks and in the efficient use of maritime transport. With the accelerating development of transport activities, there is also a growing conflict between transport industries and the environment. The burden on the environment from traffic is intensifying. Transport infrastructure physically interferes with space, and the traffic that flows through it pollutes the environment and endangers wildlife. This is why both the European Union and the Republic of Slovenia have drawn up transport policies that monitor, analyze and predict the development of the transport system. Transport policy is an important factor in each individual environment as it affects the economic activities, social development, care for reducing air emissions, etc. The main goal of the EU transport policy is to establish a system that supports economic progress and competitiveness, enabling high-quality mobility services and a more efficient use of resources. The development of our continent will depend on the ability of all countries to remain fully and competitively integrated into the global economy. European transport is at a crossroads, where the old challenges remain unaddressed while new ones have already emerged.

Keywords:transport, transport development, transport growth, transport policy, transport infrastructure, pollution

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