
Poučevanje na daljavo pri predmetu šport na razredni stopnji med epidemijo COVID-19
ID Sever, Ingrid (Author), ID Štemberger, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6711/ This link opens in a new window

Epidemija COVID-19 je spomladi v letu 2020 poskrbela za popolnoma nov in drugačen pristop poučevanja, saj se je moral pedagoški proces, kljub zaprtju vzgojno-izobraževalnih institucij, nadaljevati. Učitelji so se morali tako čez noč usposobiti za poučevanje na daljavo. V tem kriznem obdobju, ko je bilo gibanje močno omejeno, pa je šolski šport postal ključen in edini predmet, ki je lahko ohranjal učenčevo motivacijo za učenje, telesno in duševno kondicijo in aktiven življenjski slog. Poučevanje športa na daljavo je tako postalo odgovornost razrednih učiteljev, ki so morali poskrbeti, da šport izvajajo v enaki meri in kakovosti kot ostale predmete in, kot so ga izvajali pred epidemijo. V teoretičnem delu tega magistrskega dela smo opisali problem pomanjkanja gibanja in gibalnih/športnih aktivnosti v družbi in pomen teh za otroka. Opredelili smo predmet šport in njegovo pomembno vlogo za učence, opisali učitelje, ki poučujejo šport, in izpostavili nekaj ključnih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na kakovost poučevanja športa. Nazadnje smo opredelili izobraževanje na daljavo in našteli nekaj splošnih didaktičnih usmeritev ter navedli še vsa dosedanja priporočila in usmeritve strokovnjakov za poučevanje športa na daljavo. Empirični del magistrskega dela je vseboval kvantitativno raziskavo, v kateri je sodelovalo 181 razrednih učiteljev in učiteljic, ki so med prvo epidemijo, v šolskem letu 2019/20, poučevali predmet šport na daljavo. Z anketnim vprašalnikom in analizo rezultatov smo dobili vpogled v stanje poučevanja športa na daljavo in osvetlili nekatere probleme, ki se pri poučevanju pojavljajo. Ugotovili smo, da so se razredni učitelji večinoma uspešno soočili z izzivi poučevanja športa na daljavo, saj so ga izvajali v enaki meri kot pred epidemijo. Izkazalo se je, da je poučevanje športa na daljavo zahtevnejše od pouka v šoli in enostavnejše od poučevanja drugih predmetov. Največ so učitelji poučevali preko videoposnetkov in pisnih navodil, najpogostejša metoda pa je bila metoda demonstracije. Etapa, ki je bila največkrat izbrana v učnem procesu, je bila utrjevanje, ponavljanje in urjenje snovi, medtem ko individualizacije in diferenciacije učitelji niso vključevali v pouk. Naravne oblike gibanja in igre, atletska vsebina, pohodništvo, igre z žogo in plesne vsebine so bile najpogosteje izbrane vsebine za šport na daljavo, izbrani cilji pa so bili največkrat povezani z razvojem gibalnih in funkcionalnih sposobnosti. Med epidemijo učitelji učnih ciljev niso v celoti realizirali, kot tudi niso ocenjevali znanja učencev, so pa spremljali oz. preverjali njihovo opravljanje poslanih nalog doma. Razredni učitelji so se soočali z različnimi težavami, pri čimer pa nobena ni posebno izstopala. Pri podajanju mnenj so bili ti enotnejši in se strinjali, da je šport primeren in smiseln predmet za poučevanje na daljavo, da je bil pouk manj kakovosten kot v šoli in da potrebujejo več smernic iz učnega načrta za šport in primerov gibalnih/športnih aktivnosti za pouk na daljavo. Glede na poslednje rezultate smo za vsak sklop učnih vsebin iz učnega načrta za šport zbrali nekaj nalog in dejavnosti, ki bodo pomagale razrednim učiteljem pri poučevanju športa na daljavo. Z analizo rezultatov smo potrdili, da pouk športa na daljavo ne more nadomestiti pouka športa v šoli in da potrebujejo razredni učitelji strokovno spopolnjevanje, s katerim bodo izboljšali kakovost poučevanja športa na daljavo.

Keywords:poučevanje na daljavo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127099 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:63453955 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.05.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Distance physical education in primary school during COVID-19 epidemic
The COVID-19 epidemic in the spring of 2020 provided a completely new and different teaching approach, as the pedagogical process had to continue, despite the closure of educational institutions. Teachers thus had to train for distance teaching overnight. In this period of crisis, when movement was severely restricted, Physical education (PE) became a key and the only subject that could maintain a student’s motivation to learn, physical and mental condition, and an active lifestyle. Therefore, distance Physical education became the responsibility of primary school teachers, who had to make sure that they teach PE to the same extent and quality as other subjects and as they had taught before the epidemic. In the theoretical part of this master's thesis, we described the problem of movement deficiencies and physical/sports activities in society and the importance of these for the child. We defined the PE and its important role for students, describe teachers who teach PE, and highlighted some key factors that affect the quality of teaching PE. Finally, we described distance education and listed some general didactic guidelines, as well as all current recommendations and guidelines of experts for distance PE. The empirical part of our master's thesis contained a quantitative study involving 181 primary school teachers who taught the subject of distance PE during the first epidemic, in the 2019/20 school year. With a survey questionnaire and analysis of the results, we gained an insight into the state of teaching distance PE and highlighted some of the problems that arise in teaching. We found that primary school teachers mostly successfully faced the challenges of teaching the distance PE, as they taught it to the same extent as before the epidemic. Teaching PE at a distance has proven to be more challenging than teaching in school and easier than teaching other subjects. Most teachers taught through videos and written instructions, and the most common method was the demonstration method. The most often chosen stage in the teaching process was the consolidation, repetition and training of the learning material, while individualisations and differentiations were not included in the lessons. Natural forms of movement and games, athletic content, hiking, ball games, and dance content were the most frequently selected content for distance PE, and the selected goals were most often related to the development of motor and functional abilities. During the epidemic, teachers did not fully realize their teaching goals, nor did they assess students' knowledge, but they monitored or checked their performance of sent tasks at home. Primary school teachers faced a variety of problems, none of which stood out in particular. In giving opinions, they were more united and agreed that PE is a suitable and meaningful subject for distance teaching, that teaching was of lower quality than in school and that they need more guidance from the PE curriculum and examples of physical/sports activities for distance teaching. Based on the latest results, we have collected some tasks and activities for each set of teaching contents from the PE curriculum that will help primary school teachers in teaching distance PE. By analysing the results, we confirmed that distance PE cannot replace PE at school and that primary school teachers need professional development to improve the quality of distance teaching.

Keywords:distance teaching

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