
Spletne zbirke muzejev: primer Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja
ID Legan, Anja (Author), ID Merčun, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Od sredine devetdesetih let se vse več muzejev odloča za postavitev zbirk na splet. Pri tem igra pomembno vlogo razumevanje digitalne kulture, ki je dandanes ključnega pomena za uspeh muzeja v 21. stoletju. V diplomskem seminarju smo se osredotočili predvsem na področje muzejskih spletnih zbirk na primeru Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja. Cilj diplomskega seminarja je predstavitev ključnih procesov, ki so pomembni za pripravo in predstavitev zbirk na spletu ter predstavitev digitalizacije muzejskih zbirk in standardov, povezanih s postopki pri delu z gradivom in popisovanjem muzejskega gradiva. V raziskovalnem delu diplomskega seminarja sta bili uporabljeni dve metodi zbiranja podatkov in sicer intervju ter analiza muzejskih zbirk. Intervju je bil opravljen z mag. Gregorjem Ilašem, ki ima ključno vlogo pri postavitvi spletni zbirk SEM. V drugem delu smo analizirali spletno zbirko SEM in za primerjavo analizirali funkcionalnost še dveh muzejskih spletnih zbirk (spletna zbirka Narodnega muzeja Slovenije in spletna zbirka muzeja moderne umetnosti MoMA). Skozi raziskavo je bilo ugotovljeno, da postopek postavitve spletnih zbirk ni preprost, saj terja veliko časa in znanja. Ne glede na navedeno, je bila spletna zbirka SEM postavljena na nivo, ki je za uporabnika prijazen, saj vsebuje urejeno navigacijo in izčrpen opis vsakega predmeta v zbirki, kar vse je bilo razvidno tudi iz opravljene analize ostalih dveh muzejskih zbirk.

Keywords:muzeji, spletne zbirke, muzejske zbirke, digitalne zbirke, digitalizacija, popisovanje zbirk, Slovenski etnografski muzej
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127063 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:67985411 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.05.2021
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Title:Museums’ online collections: example of The Slovene Ethnographic Museum
Since the mid-1990s, more and more museums have decided to put their collections online. Understanding digital culture, which is key to a successful 21st-century museum, plays an important role in this. In the diploma seminar, we focused mainly on the museums' online collections on the example of The Slovene Ethnographic Museum. The aim of the diploma seminar is to present the key processes that are important for the preparation and presentation of online collections and to present the digitization of museum collections and standards, related to the procedures for working with material and inventory of museum material. In the research part of the diploma seminar, two methods of data collection were used, namely the interview and the analysis of museum collections. The interview was conducted with Gregor Ilaš, who plays a key role in setting up the SEM online collections. In the second part, we analysed the SEM online collection and, for comparison, analysed the functionality of two more online museum collections (the online collection of the National Museum of Slovenia and the online collection of the Museum of Modern Art MoMA). Through research, it has been found that the process of setting up online collections is not easy, as it requires a lot of time and knowledge. Despite everything, SEM online collection has been set at a user-friendly level, as it contains organized navigation and a comprehensive description of each object in the collection, all of which was evident also from the analysis of the other two museum collections.

Keywords:museums, online collections, museum collections, digital collections, digitalization, collections inventory, The Slovene Ethnographic Museum

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