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Proučevanje ergonomske ureditve prostorov na fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani
Vesel, Matej
Zupan, Klementina
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Magistrsko delo opisuje pomen pravilno načrtovanega in ustrezno zasnovanega učnega okolja, v katerem je treba mladim generacijam nuditi ter zagotavljati razmere, s katerimi jim bo olajšano bivanje, hkrati pa omogočeno, da bodo lahko razvijali svoje učne zmožnosti na najboljši možni način. Znanje in veščine predstavljajo naložbo v prihodnost vsakega posameznika ter širše družbe. Prvi del magistrskega dela povzema teoretične osnove antropometrije in njeno vključenost v snovanje ergonomsko oblikovanega pohištva. Antropometrija lahko bistveno pripomore k izboljšanju kakovosti izobraževanja mladih oseb, saj uporabnikom nudi in zagotavlja prijetno delovno okolje. Prilagajanje izobraževalnega okolja telesnim značilnostim in sposobnostim posameznika omogoča lažji razvoj znanj ter spretnosti. V tem delu so opisane tudi teoretične osnove, ki se navezujejo na mikroklimatske dejavnike okolja in njihov vpliv na človeka ter njegovo delovanje. Poleg zasnove šolskega pohištva in mikroklimatskih dejavnikov okolja prvi del magistrskega dela opisuje še splošen pomen svetlobe ter vpliv ustrezne osvetljenosti v notranjih prostorih na prisotne v okolici. V drugem delu magistrskega dela sledi predstavitev merilnih rezultatov dimenzij šolskega pohištva in pripadajoče opreme, mikroklimatskih dejavnikov okolja ter ravni osvetljenosti v notranjih prostorih fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. Dobljene merilne rezultate smo primerjali s priporočenimi vrednostmi iz zbranih priporočil, z vrednostmi, navedenimi v standardih, in z vrednostmi, ki so predpisane v pravilnikih. Na podlagi primerjav lahko ugotovimo razlike na vseh navedenih obravnavanih področjih. Pri dimenzijah šolskega pohištva in pripadajoče opreme obstajajo večje razlike pri velikostih površin delovnih miz, višin naslonjal ter širin tabel. Med mikroklimatskimi dejavniki okolja so bile ugotovljene razlike pri izmerjenih vrednostih relativne vlažnosti zraka. Izmerjene ravni osvetljenosti tudi kažejo, da so v vseh obravnavanih prostorih predeli, kjer vrednosti ne izpolnjujejo zahtev minimalne vzdrževane osvetljenosti. Dobljene merilne vrednosti nam poleg ugotavljanja razlik v primerjavi s priporočenimi oziroma predpisanimi vrednostmi predstavljajo smernice pri podajanju predlogov nadaljnjih izboljšav ter ukrepov, kar je tudi glavni cilj magistrskega dela. Izmerjene dimenzije šolskega pohištva in pripadajoče opreme lahko v bodoče predstavljajo podlago ter vodilo pri nadaljnjih novogradnjah prostorov izobraževalnih ustanov. Ugotovljena neskladja lahko služijo kot primeri področij, na katerih bi bilo v bodoče smiselno izvesti posege z namenom izboljšanja stanja. Izmerjene merilne vrednosti mikroklimatskih dejavnikov okolja in ravni osvetljenosti nas lahko usmerijo k izboljšanju oziroma vzdrževanju stanja. Pri mikroklimatskih dejavnikih okolja to učinkovito dosežemo z ustreznim uravnavanjem medsebojnih razmerij posameznih dejavnikov, kar lahko enostavno izvedemo s sodobnimi sistemi in pravilno zasnovo prezračevanja ter usmeritvijo dovoda zraka. Izmerjene vrednosti ravni osvetljenosti nam omogočajo bolje spoznati, kje v posameznem prostoru obstajajo predeli, kjer so vrednosti pod zahtevanimi, kar lahko odpravimo z rednim vzdrževanjem, čiščenjem in popravilom umetnih svetil. Uporabnikom prostorov izobraževalnih ustanov je treba omogočiti razmere, ki ne bodo predstavljale motečih dejavnikov (nelagodja), temveč bodo nudile udobje. Le tako bodo lahko uporabniki bolj zbrani in učinkoviti pri izvajanju dejavnosti učnega procesa.
ergonomske ureditve
dimenzije šolskega pohištva
mikroklimatski dejavniki okolja
seminarske sobe
Work type:
Master's thesis/paper
2.09 - Master's Thesis
FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
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VESEL, Matej, 2021,
Proučevanje ergonomske ureditve prostorov na fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani
[online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 20 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language
Study of ergonomic arrangement of rooms at the Faculty of the University of Ljubljana.
The master’s thesis describes the importance of properly planned and properly designed learning environment in which it is necessary to offer and provide young generations conditions that will make their stay easier, as well as enable them to develop their learning potential in the best possible way. Knowledge and skills represent an investment in the future of each individual and the wider society. The first part of the master’s thesis summarizes the theoretical basis of anthropometry and its involvement in the design of ergonomically designed furniture. Anthropometry can significantly help to improve the quality of education of young people, as it offers and provides users pleasant working environment. Adapting the educational environment to physical characteristics and abilities of the individual enables easier development of knowledge and skills. This part also describes the theoretical basis, which relate to the microclimatic environmental factors and their impact on human and his functioning. In addition to the design of school furniture and microclimatic environmental factors, the first part of master’s thesis describes the general importance of light and the impact of adequate indoor illumination to those present in the surroundings. In the second part of the master’s thesis is followed by a presentation of the results of measurement of dimensions of school furniture and related equipment, microclimatic environmental factors and lightning levels in indoors spaces of the Faculty of the University of Ljubljana. The obtained measurement results were compared with the recommended values from the collected recommendations, with the values stated in the standards and with the values prescribed in the regulations. On the basis of comparisons we can determine differences in any of those fields considered. With dimensions of school furniture and related equipment, there are major differences in the size of desk surface, backrest heights and table widths. Among the microclimaic environmental factors have been identified differences in the measured values of relative humidity. The measured illumination levels also show that there are areas in all considered rooms where the values do not meet the requirements of the minimum maintained illumination. The obtained measured values, in addition to identifying differences in comparison with the recommended or prescribed values, represent guidelines for giving suggestions for further improvements and measures, which is also the main goal of the master’s thesis. The measured dimensions of school furniture and related equipment can in the future represent the basis and guide in further new constructions of the rooms of educational institutions. The identified discrepancies can serve as example of areas in which it would be sensible carry out interventions in the future in order to improve situation. Measured values of microclimatic environmental factors and levels of illumination can direct as to improve or maintain the condition. In the case of microclimatic environmental factors this is effectively achieved by appropriate regulation of the mutual relations of individual factors, which can be easily done with modern systems and by the correct design of ventilation and the direction of the air supply. The measured values of illumination levels allow us to better understand where in an individual room there are areas where the values are below the required, which can be eliminated by regular maintenance, cleaning and repair of artificial lights. Users of the rooms of educational institutions must be provided with conditions that do not constitute disturbing factors (discomfort) but to offer comfort. Only in this way will users be able to be more focused and effective in carrying out activities of the learning process.
ergonomic arrangements
dimensions of school furniture
microclimatic environmental factors
lecture halls
seminar rooms
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