
Optimizacija metod za spremljanje procesov, povezanih z imunostjo v hemolimfi kopenskih enakonožcev
ID Dolar, Andraž (Author), ID Jemec Kokalj, Anita (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Imunski sistem rakov gradijo imunske celice in molekule, katerih glavna funkcija je razlikovanje med lastnim in tujim ter oblikovanje ustreznega odgovora na potencialne grožnje za organizem. V hemolimfi kontrolnih oziroma asimptomatskih kopenskih rakov vrste Porcellio scaber (navadni prašiček) smo optimizirali in določili referenčne vrednosti celičnih in humoralnih parametrov, ki so posredno ali pa neposredno vpleteni v delovanje prirojenega imunskega sistema rakov. S kombinacijo tehnik svetlobne in elektronske mikroskopije smo v hemolimfi asimptomatskih P. scaber opisali tri glavne tipe hemocitov (semigranulociti, granulociti in hialinociti) in podali informacije o njihovi morfologiji ter ultrastrukturi. Diferencialno interferenčno kontrastno mikroskopsko tehniko smo prepoznali kot hiter in zanesljiv pristop za merjenje gostote različnih tipov hemocitov v svežih vzorcih hemolimfe asimptomatskih živali, pri čemer so semigranulociti najpogosteje zastopan tip (povprečno 65 %), sledijo hialinociti (18 %) in granulociti (17 %). Uspešnost optimizacije metod za merjenje celičnih in humoralnih parametrov v hemolimfi P. scaber smo preverili še z ovrednotenjem vrednosti izbranih parametrov v hemolimfi živali, ki so imele izražene simptome bakterijske (Rhabdochlamydia porcellionis) in virusne okužbe (Iridovirus IIV-31). Vrednosti merjenih parametrov v hemolimfi simptomatskih P. scaber se značilno razlikujejo od asimptomatskih P. scaber, hkrati pa se enakonožec na bakterijsko oziroma virusno okužbo odzove z aktivacijo različnih procesov prirojene imunosti. V primeru bakterijske okužbe P. scaber smo zaznali izrazitejšo modulacijo humoralnih parametrov, medtem ko je virusna okužba izzvala občutno spremembo celičnih parametrov v hemolimfi P. scaber.

Keywords:porcellio scaber, optimizacija metod, procesi povezani z imunostjo, hemolimfa, bakterijska in virusna okužba
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-127031 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:71802627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.05.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Optimisation of methods to evaluate the immune-related processes in the haemolymph of terrestrial isopods
The immune system of crustaceans consists of immune cells and molecules whose main function is to distinguish between self and non-self and to maintain an adequate response to a potential threat to the organism. In the haemolymph of control or asimptomatic terrestrial isopods Porcellio scaber, we optimized and evaluated reference values of cellular and humoral parameters indirectly or directly involved in the function of the innate immune system. Using a combination of light and electron microscopic techniques, we have described three main haemocyte types (semigranulocytes, granulocytes, hyalinocytes) in the haemolymph of asimptomatic P. scaber and provided information on their morphology and ultrastructure. Differential interference contrast microscopic tehnique was recognised as a rapid and reliable method for measuring the density of different haemocyte types in fresh haemolymph samples from asimptomatic animals, with semigranulocytes being the most common type (65% on average), followed by hyalinocytes (18%) and granulocytes (17%). The performance of the method optimization for measuring cellular and humoral parameters in the haemolymph of P. scaber was validated with the evaluation of the values of selected parameters in the haemolymph of animals with evident symptoms of bacterial (Rhabdochlamydia porcellionis) and viral (Iridovirus IIV-31) infection. The values of measured parameters in the haemolymph of symptomatic P. scaber differ significantly from asymptomatic P. scaber. Isopods respond differently to bacterial or viral infection, i. e. different set of innate immunity processes are induced in each of the infection. While bacterial infection triggers significant changes in humoral parameters, cellular parameters were significantly altered upon viral infection.

Keywords:porcellio scaber, optimisation of methods, immune-related processes, haemolymph, bacterial and viral infection

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