
Ovrednotenje učinkov in varnosti prehranskih dopolnil za hujšanje
ID Rosc, Tajda (Author), ID Sollner Dolenc, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ključ do zdravega telesa predstavljata redna telesna aktivnost ter uravnotežena in polnovredna prehrana. Večina ljudi se tega zaveda, vendar je za načrtovanje uravnoteženih obrokov in redne športne dejavnosti potrebno veliko časa, zato ljudje raje posegajo po hitrejših metodah hujšanja. Med njimi je v porastu uporaba prehranskih dopolnil za zniževanje telesne mase. Ker gre za prehranska dopolnila, ki so po definiciji živila in vsebujejo rastlinske izvlečke, vitamine in minerale, jih večina ljudi dojema kot izdelke, ki ne povzročajo neželenih učinkov, zato je ključnega pomena ozaveščanje o pomembnosti presoje ustreznosti posameznega izdelka za uporabnika. K izbiri lahko veliko pripomore mnenje farmacevta, zdravnika, farmacevtskega tehnika. V magistrski nalogi smo želeli ovrednotiti učinkovitost in varnost prehranskih dopolnil za hujšanje, ki so na voljo na slovenskem trgu. Iz naključno izbranih 65 prehranskih dopolnil smo izbrali 40 sestavin, za katere smo poiskali študije učinkovitosti in varnosti. Vključili smo nekaj naključnih sestavin in tiste, ki so se v prehranskih dopolnilih pojavile najpogosteje. Ob pregledu literature smo ugotavljali ali so izbrane sestavine odgovorne za zniževanje telesne mase in določili mehanizme, po katerih naj bi delovale. Najpogosteje so prehranska dopolnila izkazovala vpliv na termogenezo (52,3 odstotkov prehranskih dopolnil). Povprečno število sestavin v prehranskih dopolnilih znaša 5.4, najpogostejša sestavina pa je zeleni čaj (33,9 odstotkov prehranskih dopolnil). Sledita mu L-karnitin (29 odstotka prehranskih dopolnil) in garcinija (23,1 odstotkov prehranskih dopolnilih). Pri določanju učinkovitosti prehranskih dopolnil smo upoštevali, da je učinkovito tisto prehransko dopolnilo, ki vsebuje vsaj eno sestavino, za katero je bila dokazana učinkovitost na ljudeh. Učinkovitih naj bi bilo kar 76,9 odstotkov prehranskih dopolnil z več sestavinami, tistih z eno učinkovino pa 10,8 odstotka. Za natančnejšo analizo smo pregledali najnižje odmerke uporabljene v študijah na ljudeh in jih primerjali z najnižjimi odmerki sestavin v izbranih prehranskih dopolnilih. Sestavine, ki so v študijah imele nižje odmerke od najnižjih priporočenih v prehranskih dopolnilih, so bile glukomanan, gurmar, zeleni čaj in zelena kava. Pri pregledu študij varnosti smo ugotovili, da kar 90 odstotkov izbranih sestavin izkazuje neželene učinke, delež prehranskih dopolnil, ki vsebujejo vsaj eno sestavino z možnimi neželenimi učinki pa znaša 96,9 odstotkov. Največ neželenih učinkov izkazuje melisa. Glede na pridobljene podatke papaja, ingver, ananas in višnja ne izkazujejo neželenih učinkov. Ker so prehranska dopolnila na voljo v prosti prodaji in jih lahko uporabnik kupi brez dodatnega posveta, se nam je zdelo smiselno pregledati tudi potencialne interakcije z drugimi prehranskimi dopolnili in zdravili. Ugotovili smo, da v interakcije potencialno vstopa 45 odstotkov sestavin. Na trgu lahko najdemo tudi pakete prehranskih dopolnil različnih ponudnikov. Ker gre v tem primeru za združevanje več izdelkov smo v magistrski nalogi skušali ovrednotiti smiselnost uporabe paketov in njihovo varnost. Ugotovili smo, da je povprečno število sestavin v paketih večje in znaša 15,9. Kot učinkoviti so se izkazali vsi paketi razen en, vendar pa nekateri vsebujejo le po eno učinkovito sestavino. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je v vsakem izbranem paketu prehranskih dopolnil vsaj ena sestavina, ki povzroča neželene učinke ali vstopa v interakcije. Glede na podatke večina prehranskih dopolnil in paketov pomaga pri hujšanju, vendar pa jih veliko izkazuje neželene učinke ali vstopajo v interakcije.

Keywords:debelost, hujšanje, prehranska dopolnila, učinkovitost, varnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-126874 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.05.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Safety and effects evaluation of dietary supplements for weight loss
Regular physical activity along with wholesome and balanced diet is the key to healthy body. Even though most of the people are aware of this, planning and preparing of wholesome meals and daily sports activity takes a lot of time, making people look for faster and easier ways of losing weight. One of these is taking dietary suplements, which has been on rise in the past years. Dietary supplements are by definition foods; they contain plain extracts, vitamins and minerals, which is why most people percive them as product that do not cause side effects. It is cruical to raise awareness of the importance of assesing the suitabilty of an product for the user. Opinion of either pharmacist, doctor or pharmaceutical technician can help a lot in choosing the right product. The aim of master thesis was to evaluate safety and efficiency of diet suplements for weight loss that are on the Slovenian market. We selected 40 ingredients from randomly chosen 65 dietary suplements in which we sought for studies of safety and efficiency. Most commonly appeard and a few random ingredients in dieatary suplements were included in our study. When reviewing the literature, we determined whether the selected ingredients are responsible for weight loss and determined the mechanisms by which they were supposed to work. Thermogenesis was the most common mechanism of action (52.3 percent of food supplements). Average number of ingredients in food supplement is 5.4 with the most common ingredient the green tea (33.9 percent of food supplements), followed by L-carnitine (29 percent of food supplements) and Garcinia (23.1 percent in food supplements). In determing the effectiveness of dietary supplements, we considered supplement potent when containing at least one ingredient being showed effective in humans. As many as 76.9 percent of dietary supplements with several ingredients are said to be effective, while those with one active ingredient are said to be at 10.8 percent. We reviewed the lowest doses used in human studies and compared them with the lowest doses of ingredients in selected dietary supplements for more detailed analysis. Ingredients having lower doses in the studies than the lowest recommended in dietary supplements, were Glucomannan, Gurmar, Green tea, and Green Coffee. When reviewing safety studies, we found that as many as 90 percent of the selected ingredients showed side effects while the percent of dietary supplements containing at least one ingredient with possible side effects is 96.9 percent. Supplement with most side effects is Melissa. According to the data obtained, papaya, ginger, pineapple and cherry show no side effects. Since dietary supplements are available over-the-counter and can be purchased by the user without further consultation, we also felt reasonable to review potential interactions with other dietary supplements and medications. We found that 45 percent of the ingredients potentially enter into interactions with drugs. Supplements packages from various providers can be found on market. Since in this case it is a matter of combining several products, we tried to evaluate the sense of using packages and their safety in the master thesis. We found that the average number of ingredients in the packages is higher at 15.9. All but one of the packages have proven to be effective, but some contain only one effective ingredient. We also found that there was at least one ingredient in each selected dietary supplement package that caused side effects or entered into interactions. According to the data, most dietary supplements and packages help with weight loss, but many of them show side effects or enter into interactions.

Keywords:dietary supplements, efficacy, obesity, safety, weight loss

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