In the article I present various ways in which preachers can deliver their biblical message to the audience. I point out in particular the form of expository preaching, which attempts to faithfully repeat the biblical message and is in line with Christ's style of preaching (cf. Luke 4: 16-20) and addresses to the faithful by the apostles and church fathers. I also show the more recent division of preaching into declarative, pragmatic, narrative, visionary and integrative. In my research on the use of the Bible in sermons in Slovenia, I focus on those of Janez Svetokriški in his work Sacrum promptuarium (1691-1707): his use of the biblical text from Luke 19: 45-48 (Jesus cleanses the temple); and on a more recent collection of sermons by Janez Zupet, Pot, resnica in življenje (The Path, Truth and Life, 2016): an explanation of two readings Am 6,1a.4-7 and 1 Tim 6,11-16 and the Gospel of Luke 16,19-31 (the injustice of the heartless rich).