
Medsebojno sodelovanje med starši in specialnimi pedagogi
ID Šobot, Petra (Author), ID Žgur, Erna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6698/ This link opens in a new window

Magistrsko delo temelji na raziskovanju medsebojnega sodelovanja med specialnimi pedagogi in starši. Predstavljeno je, kako uspešno in na kakšen način tovrstno sodelovanje poteka na Osnovni šoli Roje. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili različne modele sodelovanja med starši in učitelji, dokumente, ki na področju šolanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami zagotavljajo vključevanje in sodelovanje staršev v procesu šolanja njihovih otrok, ter podrobneje predstavili partnerski model sodelovanja. Predstavili smo oblike vključevanja staršev, načela uspešnega sodelovanja, potrebne kompetence staršev in učiteljev ter prednosti in najpogostejše ovire pri sodelovanju. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela smo prikazali rezultate raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli med 16 specialnimi pedagogi, ki poučujejo na OŠ Roje in 20 starši, katerih otroci se tam šolajo. Izdelali smo dva anketna vprašalnika, enega za starše in drugega za specialne pedagoge. Rezultati so bili statistično obdelani, podatke pa smo predstavili opisno, v tabelah in v grafikonih. Ugotovili smo, da starši in specialni pedagogi dobro ocenjujejo medsebojno sodelovanje, le-tega starši v primerjavi s specialnimi pedagogi ocenjujejo bolj pozitivno. Oboji medsebojnemu sodelovanju pripisujejo zelo velik pomen. Starši, delno skladno z mnenji specialnih pedagogov, ocenjujejo, da se najpogosteje udeležujejo formalnih oblik sodelovanja, in sicer roditeljskih sestankov, govorilnih ur in telefonskih pogovorov, med neformalnimi oblikami sodelovanja pa je visoko po udejstvovanju izstopala udeležba na prireditvah šole. Kot pogoste ovire pri sodelovanju so specialni pedagogi in starši skladno izpostavili pomanjkanje časa pri starših in nezanimive teme delavnic za starše, učitelji pa so visoko ocenjevali tudi prenašanje odgovornosti za neuspeh otroka na specialne pedagoge, preobremenjenost in pomanjkanje časa pri starših ter pretekle slabe izkušnje pri delu s starši. Kot predloge za izboljšavo sodelovanja je skoraj polovica staršev navedla več redne komunikacije, hkrati so specialni pedagogi in starši v povezavi s tem predlagali več neformalnih srečanj, specialni pedagogi pa so dodatno izpostavili, da si želijo več pobud za sestanke s strani staršev. Specialni pedagogi so med predloge za izboljšavo medsebojnega sodelovanja s starši pogosto navedli tudi vnaprej jasno postavljena pravila pri oblikah in načinih sodelovanja, razbremenitev učiteljev in izboljšavo javnega pogleda na učitelje. Vsi specialni pedagogi so svojo usposobljenost za delo s starši ocenili dokaj dobro. Z raziskavo smo dokazali, da specialni pedagogi z daljšo delovno dobo boljše ocenjujejo lastno usposobljenost za delo s starši kot tisti s krajšo delovno dobo.

Keywords:medsebojno sodelovanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-126833 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:61914883 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.05.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Mutual cooperation between parents and special education teachers
The master's thesis is based on the research of mutual cooperation between special education teachers and parents. It was presented how successfully and in what way they cooperate at the Roje Primary School. In the theoretical work, we identified different models of cooperation between parents and teachers, documents that ensure the involvement and participation of parents in the schooling process of their children in the field of schooling and presented in more detail the partnership model of cooperation. We presented forms of parental involvement, the principles of successful cooperation, the necessary competences of parents and teachers, and the advantages and most common barriers to cooperation. In the empirical part of the master's the day, we showed the results of a survey carried out among 16 special educators who teach at Roje Primary School and 20 parents whose children are educated there. We made two survey questionnaires, one for parents and the other for special education teachers. The results were statistically processed and the data were presented descriptively, in tables and in charts. We found that parents and special education teachers evaluate their mutual cooperation well. Parents evaluated the cooperation even more highly, compared to special educators. They both evaluated very high importance to mutual cooperation. Parents, partly in line with the opinions of special educators, mostly attend formal forms of cooperation, for example parents meetings, parent-teacher conferences and phone conversations, while among informal forms of cooperation, participation in school events stood out. As frequent barriers to cooperation, special educators and parents consistently highlighted the lack of time with parents and the uninteresting topics of workshops for parents. Special education teachers also highly assessed the transfer of responsibility for a child's failure to special educators, overload and lack of time with parents, as well as past poor experiences in working with parents. As suggestions to improve cooperation, parents indicated more regular communication, both indicated more informal meetings, and special educators have pointed out that they want more initiatives for meetings by parents. Special educators have often cited pre-established rules on forms and methods of cooperation, relieving teachers and improving the public view of teachers among suggestions for improving mutual cooperation with parents. All special educators rated their ability to work with parents fairly well. The study demonstrated that special educators with longer working lives better assess their own qualifications to work with parents than those with shorter working lives.

Keywords:mutual cooperation

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