
Obravnava vsebin zdravega življenjskega sloga v osnovnošolskih učbenikih
ID Pivk, Eva (Author), ID Kostanjevec, Stojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6697/ This link opens in a new window

drav življenjski slog je pomemben kazalec kakovosti življenja in predstavlja srečnega in zadovoljnega posameznika. Zdrav življenjski slog se izgrajuje v najrazličnejših okoljih, kjer ljudje živijo, delajo in preživljajo prosti čas. Ključno je spodbujanje izobraževanja in učenja o zdravem življenjskem slogu, saj s tem že v otroštvu pripomoremo k oblikovanju zdravega načina življenja. Pomembno vlogo pri tem imajo tudi osnovnošolski učbeniki, saj so sestavni del metodično-didaktičnega gradiva, ki se uporablja v procesu pouka in predstavlja vir informacij učencu, v pomoč pa je tudi učitelju pri poučevanju predmeta. Namen magistrskega dela je bil identificirati vsebine zdravega življenjskega sloga, ki se pojavljajo v učnih načrtih obveznih in izbirnih predmetov ter analizirati učbenike obveznih in izbirnih predmetov, kjer se pojavljajo vsebine o zdravem življenjskem slogu. V raziskavo so bili vključeni trenutno potrjeni učbeniki predmetov, pri katerih se v učnih načrtih pojavljajo vsebine o zdravem življenjskem slogu. Z vsebinsko analizo in kvantitativno metodo so bili pridobljeni podatki o tem, koliko učnih načrtov in učbenikov obravnava vsebine o zdravem življenjskem slogu glede na določene kriterije. Učbeniki so bili pregledani na osnovi izbranih kriterijev vezanih na vsebino, mišljenje, naloge, besedišče ter besedilo in slike. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se vsebine zdravega življenjskega sloga pojavljajo v učnih načrtih sedmih predmetov osnovnošolskega izobraževanja, in sicer pri spoznavanju okolja, družbi, naravoslovju in tehniki, gospodinjstvu, sodobni pripravi hrane, načinih prehranjevanja in biologiji. V analiziranih učbenikih izbranih predmetov se pojavljajo vsebine o zdravem prehranjevanju, telesni dejavnosti, spanju, stresu, alkoholu in drogah, kajenju in elektronskih medijih. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da največ osnovnošolskih učbenikov od prvega do devetega razreda obravnava vsebine o zdravem prehranjevanju, najmanj učbenikov pa vsebine o stresu. V prvem in drugem razredu predmeta spoznavanje okolja in petem razredu predmeta gospodinjstvo se najbolj spodbujajo vsebine o zdravem prehranjevanju, telesni dejavnosti in spanju, medtem ko se v četrtem razredu spodbuja obravnava vsebin o alkoholu, drogah in elektronskih medijih. V šestem razredu predmeta gospodinjstvo in petem razredu predmeta naravoslovje in tehnika in pri izbirnih predmetih od sedmega do devetega razreda se najbolj spodbuja učenje vsebin o zdravem prehranjevanju. V osmem razredu v sklopu predmeta biologija pa se obravnava največ vsebin o zdravem prehranjevanju, alkoholu in kajenju. V prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju je učencem v učbenikih na voljo najmanj dodatnih virov in aktivnosti, kar pomeni, da je večji poudarek na pridobivanju znanja samo iz učbenika. Ravno tako je bilo ugotovljeno, da se z napredovanjem učencev v višje razrede spreminja tudi način, kako je vsebina podana. Višji razred pomeni, da je snov v učbenikih učencem predstavljena na več različnih načinov. Do razlik med učbeniki prihaja tudi pri kriterijih, vezanih na mišljenje in naloge. Zaključiti je mogoče, da analizirani učbeniki zadostijo večini postavljenih kriterijev, razlike med učbeniki pa se pojavljajo pri kriterijih, vezanih na naloge, mišljenje in vsebino.

Keywords:osnovna šola
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-126832 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:61899523 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.05.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Presentation of healthy lifestyle contents in elementary school textbooks
A healthy lifestyle is an important life quality indicator. It represents a happy and contented person and is built through different environments where we live, work and spend our free time. A key element is the encouragement of education and learning about healthy lifestyle starting from the early childhood on. Another key element is ensuring primary school textbooks are part of the didactic-methodical materials: a helpful source of information to the pupil and a help to the teacher when teaching the course. The purpose of this master thesis is to identify the contents of a healthy lifestyle throughout the course syllabuses of both obligatory and elective courses and to analyse textbooks of obligatory and elective courses where the contents of a healthy lifestyle appear. The analysis takes into consideration all of the currently available textbooks of courses where healthy lifestyle is a part of the course syllabus. The data on the number of course syllabuses and textbooks concerning the contents of the healthy lifestyle have been gained by content analysis and quantitative methodology according to different criteria. Textbooks were reviewed based on selected criteria of related content, thinking, assignments, vocabulary and text and images. The analysis of the results showed that the contents of a healthy lifestyle appear at seven courses at primary school level; namely: Knowing the environment, Knowing the society, Natural science and engineering, Housekeeping, Modern food preparation, Eating habits and Biology. The contents of healthy eating habits, physical activity, sleeping, stress, alcohol and drugs, smoking and electronic media appear in analysed textbooks of selected courses. The analysis has shown that most textbooks from the first to the ninth year of primary schooling tackle the issues of a healthy lifestyle, but less on the other hand is the content dealing with stress. The first and second class of Knowing the environment class and the fifth year of Housekeeping class had the highest promoted contents dealing with healthy diet, physical activity and sleep. On the other hand, the highest promoted contents in the fourth class are: alcohol, drugs and electronic media. At the sixth class of the Housekeeping course and the fifth class of Natural Science and engineering and at elective courses from seventh to ninth classes the highest promoted teaching content is healthy lifestyle. At the eighth class of Biology course the contents focus mainly on healthy eating, alcohol and smoking. During the first educational period there are the least additional sources and activities available to the pupils. The analysis also showed that the teaching methods develop the same way the pupils progress to a higher class. In other words, at higher classes the textbook contents are introduced in several different ways. Textbooks differ also in terms of criteria concerning the tasks and the thinking. A possible conclusion suggests that the analysed textbooks do satisfy the majority of set criteria and that the differences between the textbooks mainly concern the criteria of tasks, thinking and content.

Keywords:primary school

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