
Pravni posli s kmetijskimi zemljišči
ID Podržaj, Jerca (Author), ID Juhart, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pravni posli s kmetijskimi zemljišči so predmet posebne ureditve Zakona o kmetijskih zemljiščih, ki odstopa od ureditve splošnih institutov civilnega prava. Ker so kmetijska zemljišča posebna strateška dobrina, za njihovo pridobitev veljajo nekateri pogoji in omejitve, namenjeni doseganju različnih ciljev. Zakon o kmetijskih zemljiščih tako določa krog predkupnih upravičencev, ki imajo po zakonu prednost pri sklepanju nekaterih pravnih poslov s kmetijskimi zemljišči, ter predvideva poseben postopek njihovega sklepanja. Zahtevi predstavljata omejitev razpolaganja z lastninsko pravico, ki je dopustna le z zakonom in ob upoštevanju načela sorazmernosti. Ureditev po Zakonu o kmetijskih zemljiščih predstavlja nediskriminatorno omejitev, ki zasleduje javni interes, je primerna za dosego zastavljenega cilja, ne presega tistega, kar je potrebno za uresničitev javnega interesa, hkrati pa ciljev, ki jih zasleduje, ni mogoče doseči z manj omejevalnimi ukrepi, zato je ustavno dopustna. Kljub priznani skladnosti z načelom sorazmernosti, pa predmet polemike predstavljo nekatere določbe glede opredelitve kroga predkupnih upravičencev. Kategorije in vrstni redi so ponekod nejasno opredeljeni in vzpostavljajo neenako obravnavanje, katerega namen ni vedno jasen. Postopek sklepanja pravnih poslov pa odpira vprašanja (ne)potrebnosti posameznih institutov in smiselnosti njihovega časovnega zaporedja. Jedro magistrske naloge predstavlja analiza ureditve pravnih poslov s kmetijskimi zemljišči v Zakonu o kmetijskih zemljiščih, pri čemer ločeno obravnavam najprej predkupno pravico kot materialnopravni institut, nato pa ureditev postopka sklepanja pravnih poslov.

Keywords:kmetijsko zemljišče, nepremičnina, odobritev s strani upravne enote, omejitve lastninske pravice, predkupna pravica, predkupni upravičenec
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-126682 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.05.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Legal transactions with agricultural land
Legal transactions with agricultural land are subject to a special regulation of the Agricultural Land Act, which deviates from the regulation of general institutes of civil law. As agricultural land is a special strategic asset, its acquisition is subject to certain conditions and restrictions designed to achieve different objectives. The Agricultural Land Act thus determines the circle of pre-emption beneficiaries who have priority by law in concluding certain legal transactions with agricultural land and provides for a special procedure for their conclusion. These requirements constitute a restriction on the disposal of property rights, which is permissible only by law and subject to the principle of proportionality. The regulation of the Agricultural Land Act represents a non-discriminatory restriction that pursues the public interest, is suitable for achieving the set goal, does not exceed what is necessary for the realization of the public interest, and at the same time, the goals it pursues cannot be achieved with less restrictive measures. Despite the recognized compliance with the principle of proportionality, some provisions regarding the definition of the circle of pre-emption beneficiaries remain subject of controversy. Categories and orders are vaguely defined in some places, and establish unequal treatment, the purpose of which is not always clear. The process of concluding legal transactions raises questions about the (un)necessity of individual institutes and the logic of their time sequence. The core of the master's thesis is the analysis of the regulation of legal transactions with agricultural land in the Agricultural Land Act, where I first separately address the pre-emption right as a substantive legal instrument and subsequently the regulation of the procedure for concluding legal transactions.

Keywords:agricultural land, approval by the administrative unit, pre-emption beneficiary, pre-emption right, real estate, restrictions on the property right

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