
Dendrochronology of sessile oak (Quercus petraea) on the transition between the sub-Mediterranean and temperate Continental climatic zones in Slovenia
ID Saražin, Jaša (Author), ID Resente, Giulia Antonia (Author), ID Balzano, Angela (Author), ID De Luis, Martin (Author), ID Merela, Maks (Author), ID Čufar, Katarina (Author)

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A local tree-ring chronology of sessile oak (Qercus petraea) was constructed for the site Klanec pri Kozini (KLA), Slovenia (45.59° N, 13.92° E, 450 m a.s.l.) located on the Karst edge on the transition from the sub-Mediterranean climatic to temperate Continental zones. The chronology is 93 years long and covers the period 1925–2017. A comparison with four local oak chronologies from Slovenia and 38 from the surrounding countries (distance 65–220 km) showed that KLA agreed best with the local oak chronology of Rožnik, Ljubljana (ROZ), and two other oak chronologies from central Slovenia (the surroundings of Novo mesto and Ljubljana), one from Croatia and one from Austria. Dendroclimatological analysis showed that the main factor affecting tree-ring variation is June temperature (negative effect) and March precipitation (positive effect), which to a great extent explain the relation to other chronologies. The negative effect of June (maximal) temperature has become increasingly significant in the last few decades, which can be ascribed to warming related to ongoing climatic change.

Keywords:oak, wood, dendrochronology, dendroclimatology, teleconnection, climate change, ree-rings
Work type:Article
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Number of pages:Str. 5-20
Numbering:Letn. 67, št. 2
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-126664 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:0024-1067
DOI:10.26614/les-wood.2018.v67n02a01 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:2971017 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.04.2021
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Record is a part of a journal

Shortened title:Les
Publisher:Zveza društev inženirjev in tehnikov gozdarstva in lesarstva Slovenije, Zveza društev inženirjev in tehnikov gozdarstva in lesarstva Slovenije, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za lesarstvo, Založba Univerze, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za lesarstvo, Založba Univerze
COBISS.SI-ID:13940224 This link opens in a new window


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:30.04.2021

Secondary language

Title:Dendrokronologija hrasta gradna (Quercus petraea) na prehodu med submediteranskim in zmernim celinskim podnebjem v Sloveniji
Sestavili smo lokalno kronologijo širin branik hrasta gradna (Qercus petraea) za rastišče Klanec pri Kozini (KLA) v Sloveniji (45,59°S, 13,92°E, 450 m n.m.), ki se nahaja na Kraškem robu na prehodu iz submediteranskegav zmerno celinski podnebni pas. Kronologija je dolga 93 let in pokriva obdobje 1925-2017. Primerjava s 4 lokalnimi hrastovimi kronologijami iz Slovenije in 38 iz okoliških držav, z rastišč, oddaljenih od 65 do 220 km, je pokazala, da se KLA najbolje ujema z lokalno kronologijo hrasta z Rožnika v Ljubljani (ROZ) in z dvema hrastovima kronologijama iz osrednje Slovenije, iz okolice Novega mesta in Ljubljane, ter po eno kronologijo iz Hrvaške in Avstrije. Dendroklimatološka analiza je pokazala, da sta glavna dejavnika, ki vplivata na variiranje širin branik, junijska (maksimalna) temperatura (negativni učinek) in padavine v marcu (pozitivni učinek), kar v veliki meri pojasnjuje tudi odnose do drugih kronologij. Negativni učinek junijske (maksimalne) temperature postaja vse bolj pomemben v zadnjih desetletjih, kar pripisujemo segrevanju ozračja zaradi podnebnih sprememb.

Keywords:les, hrast, dendrokronologija, širina branik, dendroklimatologija, telekonekcija, klimatske spremembe, Kozina


Funder:ARRS - Slovenian Research Agency
Project number:P4-0015
Name:Les in lignocelulozni kompoziti

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