
Rajalne igre v vrtcu
ID Dejak, Barbara (Author), ID Sicherl Kafol, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo z naslovom Rajalne igre v vrtcu je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu je na začetku predstavljen pomen igre v predšolskem obdobju za otrokov razvoj in opredelitev iger. V nadaljevanju je podrobneje opisana glasbena vzgoja, ki vključuje njen pomen in pomen glasbenih dejavnosti in glasbeno-didaktičnih iger v vrtcu. V zadnjem delu teoretičnega dela je opisana gibalno-plesna vzgoja. Vključili smo pomen gibalne in plesne vzgoje, otroško ljudsko izročilo, osredinili pa smo se na pomen in opis otroških rajalnih iger. Namen diplomskega dela je preučiti izvajanje rajalnih iger v sklopu usmerjenih glasbenih dejavnosti v vrtcu. Raziskali smo tudi učinke rajalnih iger na otrokovo razpoloženje ter kakšne rajalne igre vzgojitelji največkrat izvajajo. V raziskavo smo vključili 100 vzgojiteljev iz osrednje in jugovzhodne Slovenije. Ugotovili smo, da več kot polovica vzgojiteljev izvaja rajalne igre vsaj 8-krat na mesec ali več. Otroci so med izvajanjem rajalnih iger boljše razpoloženi, bolj sodelujejo, so sproščeni, povezani med seboj, upoštevajo pravila, z rajalnimi igrami pa tudi ohranjamo tradicijo ter razvijamo ritem. Vzgojitelji v raziskavi več izvajajo rajalne igre z vlogami, med vsemi rajalnimi igrami pa največkrat izvajajo ringarajo, belo lilijo, rdeče češnje in Abrahama.

Keywords:rajalne igre
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-126460 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:60606211 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.05.2021
DEJAK, Barbara, 2021, Rajalne igre v vrtcu [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Kindergarten merry-making activities
This thesis, Merry-making activities in kindergarten, consists of both a theoretical and an empirical part. The first part looks at the importance of play in children's development and defines games in the pre-school period. It proceeds with a more detailed description of music education and its significance, including the importance of music activities and educational music games in kindergarten. Finally, we describe dance and movement education and its importance as well as children's folklore, focusing on the meaning and description of singing games for children. The aim of our thesis was to study the use of singing games as part of planned music activities in kindergarten. We also examined the impact of singing games on the child's mood and which singing games pre-school teachers chose most often. One hundred pre-school teachers from central and southeastern Slovenia were included in the study. We found that more than half of the pre-school teachers played singing games with the children at least eight times a month or more. While playing merry-making activities, the children were in a better mood, more cooperative and relaxed, connected, and followed the rules more closely. Furthermore, singing games had an essential role in preserving tradition and helped develop a sense of rhythm. The findings showed that pre-school teachers preferred to play singing games with roleplay elements, the most popular being ringa raja, bela lilija, rdeče češnje, and Abraham.

Keywords:merry-making activities

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