
Izzivi mladih staršev, razumevanje otroka in vloga socialnega dela pri sodelovanju z mladimi starši : magistrsko delo
ID Komatar, Špela (Author), ID Šugman Bohinc, Lea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi so prikazani izzivi, s katerimi se starši spoprijemajo ob prehodu v starševstvo, kako razumejo otrokove potrebe in kako jim lahko pri tem pomaga socialno delo. V začetnem delu so opredeljene in prikazane teorije ter raziskovalne ugotovitve različnih avtorjev. V teoriji sem se osredotočila na raziskovanje izzivov v partnerski zvezi po rojstvu otroka, povezovanje staršev z otrokom ter socialno delo v zdravstvenem domu. V empiričnem delu sem uporabila intervju in anketo. V intervjuju je sodelovalo sedem oseb, v anketi pa 68 oseb. Ugotovitve so pokazale, da se vsi starši ob prehodu v starševstvo spoprijemajo z izzivi, ti pa se pojavljajo na različnih področjih. Razumevanje otroka in njegovih potreb se izboljšuje s tem, ko otroci rastejo. Najmanjše razumevanje je v obdobju prvega pol leta, nato pa se izrazito izboljšuje. Vednost staršev ob prvem otroku o možnosti podpore in pomoči na centru za socialno delo pa je majhna. Naloga nudi pogled v življenje in spremembe, ki se zgodijo staršem po rojstvu otroka, poleg tega pa pokaže tudi odnos staršev do dela centra za socialno delo in njihovo seznanjenost z možnostmi strokovne pomoči in podpore za svoje stiske.

Keywords:partnerstvo, izzivi, spremembe, socialno delo, psihosocialna pomoč in podpora, razumevanje otrok
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Š. Komatar]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (136 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-126401 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:63443971 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.04.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Challenges of new parents, understanding their child and role of social work in collaboration with new parents.
In this master thesis, challenges of the new parents upon the entry into parenthood are represented and researched, their understanding of their infant’s needs, and how social care agencies can help with these challenges. In the beginning, different theories are presented, in which are researched challenges which appear in relationship between parents after childbirth, relationship between newborn and parents and social services in health care facilities. Empirical research was conducted with interviews and a survey. Results have shown that all parents face challenges in different areas of life when transitioning into parenthood. Parents’ understanding of children and their needs is improved during children’s growth. First half year of children’s life is marked with the smallest understanding of his needs, but after this period is noticeably improved. The research has also shown that parents do not now options of support presented in social care facilities. This master thesis offers an insight into life of parents and changes that happen to new parents after childbirth. Beside that it also presents attitude of parents toward social services and their knowledge of possibilities of professional help and support for their needs.

Keywords:parenthood, challenges, change, social work, professional support system, understanding of children

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