
Modifikacija bombažne tkanine s plazmo in nanodelci cinkovega oksida za doseganje zaščite pred ultravijoličnim sevanjem
ID Jazbec, Katja (Author), ID Gorjanc, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kert, Mateja (Comentor)

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IZVLEČEK Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti najprimernejšo metodo nanosa nanodelcev cinkovega oksida (nano-ZnO) na beljeno in mercerizirano bombažno tkanino in s plinsko plazmo povečati njihovo adsorpcijo na površino tkanine ter s tem doseči odlično zaščito pred ultravijoličnim (UV) sevanjem. Za določanje najprimernejše metode nanosa nano-ZnO smo uporabili štiri metode, ki so se razlikovale po postopku nanosa, času obdelave in vsebnosti barvila ali pomožnih snovi v obdelovalni kopeli. Spektroskopija UV-Vis in masna spektrometrija z induktivno sklopljeno plazmo (ICP-MS) sta pokazali, da imajo bele tkanine, obdelane po postopku z izčrpanjem, pri čemer obdelovalna kopel vsebuje bidestilirano vodo, nano-ZnO in ocetno kislino, visoke vrednosti UV-zaščitnega faktorja (UZF), UZF = 30 in visoko vsebnost nano-ZnO ter da višanje koncentracije nano-ZnO nad 3 % ne poviša vrednosti UZF. Povečanje adsorpcije nano-ZnO na belo tkanino smo proučili pri različnih pogojih obdelave tkanine v plinski plazmi nizkotlačno induktivno sklopljenega plazemskega sistema. Uporabili smo različne pline (vodno paro, kisik in tetrafluorometan) in spreminjali čas obdelave (10, 20 in 30 s). Kemijske in fizikalne lastnosti s plazmo obdelane bombažne tkanine smo pregledali z rentgensko fotoelektronsko spektroskopijo (XPS) in vrstično elektronsko mikroskopijo (SEM). Ocenili smo mehanske lastnosti vzorcev, obdelanih s plazmo, in sicer z merjenjem pretržne sile in raztezka. Učinkovitost plazemske obdelave smo ovrednotili z uporabo spektrometrije UV-Vis in merjenjem zaščitnega UV-faktorja (UZF). Rezultati so pokazali, da daljši časi obdelave, ne glede na uporabljeni plin, povečajo koncentracijo kisikovih funkcionalnih skupin na površini vlaken in povzročijo, da postane njihova površina bolj hrapava. Ta dva pogoja sta ključnega pomena za povečanje vsebnosti nano-ZnO na vlaknih, saj zagotavljata odlične vrednosti UZF na obdelani bombažni tkanini. Funkcionalizirane tkanine pa pri pranju niso bile zelo obstojne, saj je že prvo pranje odstranilo večino nano-ZnO.

Keywords:bombaž, nanodelci, cinkov oksid, plazma, zaščita pred UV-sevanjem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-126344 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.04.2021
JAZBEC, Katja, 2021, Modifikacija bombažne tkanine s plazmo in nanodelci cinkovega oksida za doseganje zaščite pred ultravijoličnim sevanjem [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Modification of cotton fabric with plasma and zinc oxide nanoparticles for a protection against ultraviolet radiation
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine the most suitable method for applying zinc oxide nanoparticles (nano-ZnO) to a bleached mercerized cotton textile and to enhance their adsorption on the textile surface using gas plasma to provide effective protection against ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Four methods were used in determining the most suitable method for applying nano-ZnO, which differ from each other in the application procedure, treatment time, and the content of dye or excipients in the treatment bath. Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) showed that white textiles treated by the exhaust method, in which the treatment bath contains double distilled water, nano-ZnO and acetic acid, have a high ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) (UPF = 30) and a high content of nano-ZnO, and that a concentration of nano-ZnO greater than 3% does not increase the UPF value. The increase of nano-ZnO absorption in the white textile was investigated under different conditions of gas-plasma treatment of the textile in a low-pressure inductively coupled plasma system, which included the gas (water vapor, oxygen, and tetrafluoromethane) and the treatment time (10, 20, and 30 seconds). The chemical and physical properties of the plasma treated cotton textile were investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The mechanical properties of the plasma treated samples were evaluated by measuring the tensile strength and elongation at break. The effectiveness of the plasma treatment was evaluated by UV-vis spectrometry and measurement of UPF. The results showed that regardless of the gas used, a longer treatment time increases the concentration of oxygen functional groups on the surface of the cotton fibers, making the surface of the fibers rougher. These two conditions are prerequisites for increasing the nano-ZnO content in the fibers, which enables excellent UPF values in treated cotton textiles. Until now, functionalized textiles showed poor wash resistance, with most of the nano-ZnO being washed out during the first wash.

Keywords:cotton, nanoparticles, zinc oxide, plasma, protection against UV radiation

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