
Policijska pooblastila obdelovanja podatkov o komunikacijskem prometu z namenom varovanja zdravja
ID Reya, Vita (Author), ID Gorkič, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Prvo poglavje magistrske diplomske naloge obravnava komunikacijsko zasebnost. Začenja z definicijo te pravice, kot jo opredeljujeta Ustava Republike Slovenije (v nadaljevanju: URS) in Evropska konvencija o človekovih pravicah (v nadaljevanju: EKČP). Za določitev obsega pravice do komunikacijske zasebnosti je potrebna obravnava prometnih podatkov, zato je naslednji podsklop namenjen obravnavi podatkov, povezanih z vsebino komunikacije. Sledila bo analiza sodne prakse Ustavnega sodišča Republike Slovenije (v nadaljevanju: USRS), sodb Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice (v nadaljevanju: ESČP) in Sodišča Evropske unije (v nadaljevanju: SEU). Zatem, s pomočjo prej poglobljene analize sodne prakse USRS in ESČP, magistrsko diplomsko delo odgovarja na vprašanje o tem, ali, ter pod kakšnimi pogoji, bi lahko varovanje zdravja utemeljilo poseg v komunikacijsko zasebnost. Delo se nato osredotoči na vprašanje, kateri predpis nudi višje varstvo: EKČP ali URS. Drugi del naloge se posveča policijskemu pravu in policijskim pooblastilom; najprej bodo našteta tista varnostna pooblastila policije, katerih namen je zbiranje prometnih podatkov. Sledi opis problema prehajanja podatkov, pridobljenih s pomočjo varnostnih pooblastil policije v preiskovalno sfero, zatem pa težava prehajanja prometnih podatkov med institucionalno ločenimi subjekti. S slednjo situacijo imamo opravka takrat, ko drugi (neoblastni) organi pridobivajo prometne podatke in jih zatem posredujejo organom oblasti za namene dokazovanja v kasnejšem kazenskem postopku. Magistrska diplomska naloga se spopada z vprašanjem o tem, ali, in pod kakšnimi pogoji, sta omenjeni prehajanji prometnih podatkov sploh mogoči v trenutni slovenski ustavnopravni ureditvi.

Keywords:komunikacijska zasebnost, prometni podatki, doktrina tretje stranke, evropsko pravo človekovih pravic, (varnostna) policijska pooblastila, policijsko pravo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-126337 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:60552963 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.04.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Police powers to process traffic data for the purpose of health protection
The first section of the master’s thesis discusses the right to privacy of communications. It begins with the definition of the right as defined by the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Convention on Human Rights. In order to define the scope of the right to communications privacy, an analysis of traffic data is required. Hence, the following subsection is dedicated to the analysis of data regarding the content of communications. It is followed by an analysis of the court practices of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia and the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union. Based on the data gathered from the in-depth analysis of the court practices of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Court of Human Rights, an answer to the question whether, and under what conditions, health protection could justify an invasion of communications privacy is provided. The master’s thesis exposes which regulation, the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia or in the European Convention on Human Rights, offers a better protection of the right to privacy of communications. The second section discusses police law and police powers, starting with a list of police powers which are used in order to collect traffic data. What follows is a description of the problem of transferring traffic data gathered with the help of the police’s security powers into the sphere of investigation and the issue of transferring traffic data between institutionally separate legal entities. The latter is typical of situations when other entities (unauthorised authorities) collect traffic data and forward it to the authorities in order for it to be used as potential evidence in subsequent criminal proceedings. To conclude, the master thesis deals with the question whether, and under what conditions, the aforementioned transfers of traffic data are in accordance with the current Slovenian constitutional system.

Keywords:the right to privacy of communications, traffic data, third-party doctrine, European human rights law, (security) police powers, police law

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