
Razvijanje čustvene inteligence pri pouku španščine preko poezije
ID Belina, Manja (Author), ID Šifrar Kalan, Marjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pričujoče magistrsko delo podaja predloge za razvoj čustvene inteligence pri pouku španščine preko poezije, saj literarna besedila delujejo kot sredstvo za posredovanje in zaznavanje čustev. Teoretični del naloge oriše povezavo med čustvi, jezikom in učenjem, pojasnjuje pojem čustvene inteligence in predstavi kompetence s področja čustvenega učenja. Poleg tega se osredotoči na afektivne dejavnike pri pouku španščine in vzame v obzir vlogo poezije in čustev pri pripravi učne ure. Analiza spletnih didaktičnih aktivnosti za učitelje pouka španščine kaže, da poezija služi kot sredstvo za doseganje različnih jezikovnih in kulturnih ciljev, pri tem pa se ne upošteva razvoja čustvenih kompetenc. Magistrsko delo ponuja tri didaktične predloge, primerne za jezikovne ravni A1-A2, B1-B2 in C1-C2, ki z uporabo poezije razvijajo čustvene kompetence in jezikovne sposobnosti učencev. Vsi predlogi so opremljeni z didaktično razlago in z navedbo kompetenc s področja čustvenega učenja v razvoju.

Keywords:čustvena inteligenca, čustvene kompetence, španščina kot tuji jezik, poezija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125949 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.04.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Developing Emotional Intelligence in Teaching Spanish through Poetry
This Master’s thesis tries to develop emotional intelligence in the ELE class through poetry since literary texts intent to transmit and to perceive emotions. The theoretical part of the thesis outlines the connection between emotions, language and learning, explains the concept of emotional intelligence and presents competencies in the field of emotional learning. In addition, it focuses on the affective factors in the ELE class and takes into account poetry and emotions in preparing the lesson. The analysis of online didactic activities for ELE teachers shows that poetic texts are used to achieve different linguistic and cultural learning goals without developing emotional competencies. Therefore, this Master’s thesis offers three didactic proposals for language levels A1-A2, B1-B2 and C1-C2 that use poetry to develop student’s emotional competencies and language skills. All proposals are equipped with a didactic explanation which indicates the emotional competencies in development.

Keywords:emotional intelligence, emotional competences, Spanish as a foreign language, poetry

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