
Vpliv dodatka trehaloze na tehnološke in senzorične lastnosti kruha
ID Ferk, Mojca (Author), ID Požrl, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Polak, Tomaž (Comentor)

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V magistrski nalogi smo želeli primerjati vpliv dodatkov različnih sladkorjev (trehaloza, saharoza, fruktoza) na tehnološke in senzorične lastnosti kruha. Dodatek sladkorjev (predvsem trehaloze) naj bi vplival na zmanjšanje aw vrednosti in upočasnil procese staranja kruha. Pripravili smo vzorce kruha z dodatkom 1 % in 2 % saharoze, fruktoze in trehaloze ter kontrolni vzorec brez dodanega sladkorja. Na pripravljenih vzorcih kruha smo opravili naslednje analize: določanje specifičnega volumna kruha, določanje vsebnosti vode in aw vrednost, instrumentalno merjenje barve skorje in sredice ter teksturnih lastnosti kruha in senzorično analizo. Rezultati naše raziskave so pokazali majhne razlike med specifičnimi volumni in aw vrednostjo različnih vzorcev kruha. Tudi pri večdnevnem vrednotenju teksturnih lastnosti smo ugotovili, da dodatki sladkorja praktično niso značilno vplivali na zaviranje procesa staranja kruha. Intenzivne spremembe barve skorje smo zaznali praktično pri vseh vzorcih kruha z dodatkom sladkorjev; trehaloza je značilno najmanj vplivala na spremembe barve skorje. Rezultati senzorične analize so pokazali, da je trehaloza v primerjavi z dodatki drugih sladkorjev najmanj prispevala k sladkosti kruha in obarvanosti skorje, pri drugih tehnoloških in senzoričnih lastnostih kruha pa dodatek trehaloze praktično ni imel značilno boljšega vpliva.

Keywords:pekovski izdelki, kruh, aditivi, trehaloza, kakovost kruha, tehnološke lastnosti, senzorične lastnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[M. Ferk]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125895 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:60013571 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.04.2021
FERK, Mojca, 2021, Vpliv dodatka trehaloze na tehnološke in senzorične lastnosti kruha [online]. Master’s thesis. M. Ferk. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of trehalose addition on technological and sensory properties of bread
In this master thesis we examined the influence of different sugars (trehalose, sucrose, fructose) on sensory and technological characteristics of bread. The addition of sugars (especially trehalose) is supposed to influence the reduction of aw value and slow down the aging process of bread. Bread samples with the addition of 1 % and 2 % sucrose, fructose and trehalose and a control sample without added sugar were prepared. The following analyses were performed on the prepared bread samples: determination of specific bread volume, determination of water content and aw value, instrumental measurement of crust and core colour and texture properties of bread, and finally sensory analysis of the bread. The results of our study showed small differences between specific volumes and aw values of different bread samples. Even in the multi-day evaluation of textural properties, we found that the addition of sugar had practically no significant effect on inhibiting the aging process of bread. Intense changes in the colour of the crust were detected in practically all samples of bread with the addition of sugars; trehalose typically had the least effect on colour changes of the crust. The results of the sensory analysis showed that trehalose contributed the least to the sweetness of the bread and the colour of the crust compared to the addition of other sugars, while the addition of trehalose had practically no significantly better effect on other technological and sensory properties of bread.

Keywords:bakery products, bread, additives, trehalose, bread quality, technological properties, sensory properties

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