
Razvoj, izdelava in validacija impedančne cevi
ID Plahutnik, Peter (Author), ID Prezelj, Jurij (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu je predstavljen projekt razvoja impedančne cevi za merjenje koeficienta absorpcije zvoka z uporabo prenosne funkcije. Cev je bila razvita s pomočjo standarda ISO 10534-2 za merjenje frekvenčnega območja med 250 in 5000 Hz. Za verifikacijo rezultatov je bila narejena primerjava z metodo, ki je popisana v ISO 10534-1. Za izdelavo cevi so bili uporabljeni cenejši in dostopnejši materiali, ki so bili obdelani s klasičnimi postopki obdelave, prav tako pa so bili nekateri elementi cevi izdelani s pomočjo aditivne tehnologije, ki se v zadnjem obdobju močno razvija. Da lahko dosežemo natančne meritve v tako širokem frekvenčnem spektru, je bila metoda opisana v standardu prilagojena za uporabo s tremi mikrofoni. Za potrebe meritev je bila razvita programska koda za kalibracijo mikrofonov in za izračun vrednosti koeficienta absorpcije zvoka na podlagi treh različnih kombinacij postavitve mikrofonov. Meritve so bile izvedene na desetih različnih poroznih materialih različne debeline. Opazovali smo spreminjanje koeficienta absorpcije zvoka ob dodajanju večjega števila slojev materiala. Rezultati so pokazali, da nam razvita metoda omogoča natančne meritve in hitrejšo menjavo vzorcev. Za določanje upornosti zračnega pretoka ?, ki predstavlja enega ključnih vhodnih podatkov za modeliranje zvoka v prostoru, je bila razvita programska koda, ki temelji na empiričnem modelu Delany – Bazley.

Keywords:zvok, hrup, impedančna cev, koeficient absorpcije zvoka, prenosna funkcija, SIST ISO 10534-2, tehnična akustika
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125662 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Design and validation of impedance tube
This paper presents a project for the development of an impedance tube for measuring the sound absorption coefficient using a transfer function. The tube was developed using the ISO 10534-2 standard to measure the frequency range between 250 and 5000 Hz. To verify the results, a comparison was made with the method described in ISO 10534-1. To make the tube, cheaper and more accessible materials were used, which were processed by classical processing methods. Some elements of the tube were also made with the help of additive technology, which has been developing rapidly in recent times. To be able to achieve accurate measurements in such a wide frequency spectrum, the method described in the standard has been adapted for use with three microphones. For the purposes of the measurements, a software code was developed for the calibration of the microphones and for the calculation of the value of the sound absorption coefficient on the basis of three different combinations of microphone placement. Measurements were performed on ten different porous materials of different thickness. A change in the sound absorption coefficient has been observed with the addition of a larger number of layers of material. The results show that the developed method allows us to make accurate measurements and change samples faster. To determine the flow resistivity σ, a program code based on the empirical Delany - Bazley model was developed.

Keywords:sound, noise, impedance tube, sound absorption coefficient, transfer function, SIST ISO 10534-2, technical acoustics

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