
Merjenje biokemičnih označevalcev kroničnega stresa pri reševalcih
ID Ambruš, Ana (Author), ID Jerin, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Stres je fiziološki in vedenjski prilagoditveni odziv telesa na različne stresorje. Če je stresni odziv kratkotrajen oz. akutni, je ta koristen, saj omogoča vzdrževanje stabilnega notranjega okolja ter pri zdravih posameznikih ne predstavlja bremena za zdravje. Nasprotno pa večkratna ali neprekinjena izpostavljenost stresorjem vodi v razvoj kroničnega stresnega odziva in posledično nizkostopenjskega kroničnega vnetja. Le-to lahko povzroči razvoj različnih kroničnih bolezenskih stanj kot so kardiovaskularne bolezni, sladkorna bolezen, rakava obolenja in druge. Eden izmed dejavnikov tveganja za razvoj omenjenih stanj je poklicni stres. Slednjemu so zaradi izmenskega dela in dolgih delavnikov v primerjavi z drugimi poklici, še posebej podvrženi reševalci. Namen magistrske naloge je bil ugotoviti ali so reševalci različno izpostavljeni kroničnemu stresu med delovnima izmenama in dela prostim dnevom ter ali so bolj podvrženi stresu kot ostala zdrava populacija. Izpostavljenost kroničnemu stresu smo z merjenjem biokemičnih označevalcev določali pri 43 reševalcih zaposlenih na Reševalni postaji Ljubljana. Pri le-teh smo vzorce zbirali na začetku in koncu dnevne izmene, pred in po nočni izmeni ter zjutraj in zvečer med prostim dnevom. Z merjenjem kortizola, IL-6, IL-8 in IL-10 smo spremljali razvoj kroničnega stresnega odziva ter ločevali med fazami prehoda akutnega v kronični stresni odziv, nasprotno pa smo z določanjem VEGF-A spremljali predvsem posledice kroničnega stresa. Pri kortizolu, IL-8 in IL-10 smo dokazali, da se nočna izmena statistično značilno razlikuje od dnevne izmene in prostega dneva, medtem ko razlike med dnevno izmeno in prostim dnevom nismo mogli dokazati pri nobenem označevalcu. Poleg tega smo dokazali, da se mediana meritev kortizola, IL-6, IL-8 in IL-10 pri reševalcih razlikuje od mediane primerljive populacije. Ugotovili smo, da so reševalci stresu bolj izpostavljeni med nočno izmeno v primerjavi z dnevno izmeno in prostim dnevom, saj so med nočnim delom podvrženi večjemu številu stresorjev. Prav tako smo pokazali, da so reševalci bolj podvrženi stresu od primerljive populacije. Zaključili smo, da so kortizol in citokini primerni označevalci razvoja kroničnega stresnega odziva in z njim povezanih bolezenskih stanj, medtem ko je VEGF-A potencialni kazalec posledic stresa, saj so potrebne nadaljnje raziskave njegove vloge v stresnih stanjih.

Keywords:kronični stres, reševalci, kortizol, citokini, žilni endotelijski rastni dejavnik A
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125660 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.03.2021
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Title:Measurement of chronic stress biochemical markers in paramedics
Stress is the physiological and behavioral adaptive response of the body to various stressors. If the stress response is short-lived or. acute, it is beneficial, because it allows the maintenance of a stable internal environment and does not pose a health burden in healthy individuals. Conversely, repeated or continuous exposure to stressors leads to the development of a chronic stress response and consequently low-grade chronic inflammation. This can lead to the development of various chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and others. One of the risk factors for developing these conditions is occupational stress. Paramedics are especially prone to this, as they are more exposed to stressors than some other professions due to longer working hours and shift work. The purpose of the master's thesis was to determine whether paramedics are differently exposed to chronic stress during work shifts and non-working days and whether they are more susceptible to stress than the rest of the healthy population. Exposure to chronic stress was determined by measuring biochemical markers in 43 paramedics employed at the Ljubljana Rescue Station. In these, samples were collected at the beginning and end of the day shift, before and after the night shift, and in the morning and evening during the day off. By measuring cortisol, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10, we monitored the development of the chronic stress response and distinguished between the phases of the transition from acute to chronic stress response, while we monitored the consequences of chronic stress by determining VEGF-A. For cortisol, IL-8 to IL-10, we demonstrated that exposure to stress in the night shift was statistically significantly different from the day shift and the day off, however, the difference between the daily shift and the day off could not be demonstrated with any marker. In addition, we showed that the median of measurement of cortisol, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10 differs from the median of a comparable population. We found that rescuers are more exposed to stress during the night shift compared to the day shift and the day off, as night work is subject to a greater number of stressors. We also showed that rescuers are more susceptible to stress than comparable population. We concluded that cortisol and cytokines are appropriate markers of the development of a chronic stress response and related disease states, while VEGF-A is a potential indicator of the effects of stress, so further research into its roles in stress states is needed.

Keywords:chronic stress, paramedics, cortisol, cytokines, vascular endothelial growth factor A

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