
Higiena rok - vpliv načina vzorčenja na mikrobiološki rezultat : diplomsko delo
ID Štrus, Ana (Author), ID Zore, Anamarija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jevšnik, Mojca (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Higiena rok kot veda o zdravju je ena temeljnih medicinskih ved, ki se ukvarja s preučevanjem različnih vplivov na človekovo zdravje in podaja navodila za njegovo krepitev. Pri dokazovanju higiene rok lahko uporabimo različne načine vzorčenja, npr. bris, odtis in izpirek. Prisotnost bakterij in njihovo vrsto nato dokažemo na različnih gojiščih. Namen: V diplomskem delu želimo ugotoviti, kateri način vzorčenja rok je najbolj učinkovit in nam na najbolj nazoren način prikaže kontaminacijo rok z bakterijami. Ugotoviti želimo, ali je rezultat mikrobiološkega testiranja rok odvisen od načina jemanja vzorca. Preveriti skušamo, kakšna je snažnost rok zaposlenih v Domu starejših občanov Idrija (DSO Idrija) po končani izmeni. Predvsem pa želimo opredeliti delež prisotnih bakterij, ki lahko pri varovancih povzročajo okužbe, povezane z zdravstvom (MRSA/ESBL). Metode dela: Pri pisanju diplomskega dela smo uporabili deskriptivno raziskovalno metodo in izvedli empirično raziskavo. Prvi del raziskave (pilotno študijo) smo izvajali na Zdravstveni fakulteti v Ljubljani. Študentom zdravstvene nege 1. letnika smo roke vzorčili na tri različne načine, in sicer z mokrim brisom, odtisom roke na hranljivo gojišče in z izpirkom roke do zapestja s fiziološko raztopino. Postopke smo opravili pri 29 študentih. Drugi del raziskave smo izvajali v DSO Idrija, kjer smo zaposlenim, ki so v stiku s oskrbovanci doma, odvzeli odtis roke na dveh različnih gojiščih. Z odtisom smo s selektivnimi gojišči za MRSA in ESBL iskali omenjena tipa rezistentnih bakterij (MRSA in ESBL). Rezultati: V prvem delu raziskave smo ugotovili, da je najbolj uspešen način vzorčenje rok z odtisom. Pri izpirku je bilo število bakterij pri večini neštevno, zato smo morali vzorec redčiti s fiziološko raztopino. Na podlagi izsledkov prve raziskave smo se odločili, da bomo v DSO Idrija izvajali odtise. Dva vzorca sta bila pozitivna na ESBL, na MRSA pa nobeden. Razprava in zaključek: Najbolj enostavna in dokaj učinkovita metoda vzorčenja rok je odtis roke, najbolj natančen rezultat pa dobimo z vzorčenjem z izpirkom. Higiena rok pri zaposlenih v DSO Idrija je zelo dobra. Od 162 vzorcev sta bila na bolnišnično okužbo z ESBL pozitivna dva vzorca, na MRSA pa nobeden.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, higiena rok, umivanje rok, razkuževanje rok, bolnišnične okužbe, vzorčenje rok
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Štrus]
Number of pages:38 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125561 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:57118211 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Hand hygiene - the impact of hand sampling on the microbiological result : diploma work
Introduction: Hand hygiene as a science of health is one of the basic medical sciences, which deals with the study of various effects on human health and gives instructions for it´s strengthening. Different methods of sampling can be used to prove hand hygiene swab, imprint, rinse. The presence of bacteria and their species can then be demonstrated on different media. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to determine which method of sampling period is the most effective and us in the most obvious way to display dates contamination with bacteria. Whether the result of microbiological hand testing depends at all on the method of sampling. Do the employees of retirement home in Idrija still have a lot of bacteria on their hands after the shift, despite regular washing and disinfection of their hands? Transmission of nosocomial infections (MRSA / ESBL) by hand. Methods: We used a descriptive method to prepare the diploma thesis and performed an empirical study. The first part of the study (pilot study) was performed at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana. We sampled the hands of first-year nursing students in three different ways, namely swabs, prints and rinsing. We performed the procedures on 29 students. The second part of the study was performed in retirement home in Idrija. There, we took the handprints of two different media outlets from employees who were in contact with the residents at home. By fingerprinting, we searched for these two types of resistant bacteria with selective media for MRSA and ESBL.Results: In the first part of the study, we found that the most successful way of sampling hands is by fingerprint. At rinsing, the number of bacteria was mostly innumerable, so we had to dilute the sample with saline. Based on the first study, we decided to perform fingerprints at DSO Idrija. Two samples were positive at ESBL and none at MRSA. Discussion and conclusion: The most effective method of hand sampling is the handprint, and the most accurate result is given by washing with a wash. The hand hygiene of the employees of DSO Idrija is very good. Of the 162 samples were infected at the hospital ESBL positive two samples for MRSA none.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, hand hygiene, hand washing, hand disinfection, hospital infections, hand sampling

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