
Uporaba prehranskih dopolnil v nosečnosti
ID Malovrh Žontar, Lucija (Author), ID Kostanjevec, Stojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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S pomočjo hrane v telo vnašamo za njegovo delovanje nujno potrebne hranilne snovi. Pravilen vnos le-teh je zelo pomemben v času nosečnosti, saj v tem času razvijajoči se otrok hranilne snovi črpa preko matere. Zaradi nezadostnega znanja o pomenu prehrane, dosegljivosti raznovrstnih živil, socialno-ekonomskega statusa ipd. prihaja do težav pri doseganju priporočenih vnosov hranilnih snovi. V primeru pomanjkanja hranilnih snovi se jih lahko nadomesti z uporabo prehranskih dopolnil. Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kakšen odnos imajo nosečnice do prehranskih dopolnil in kako pogosto so jih uživale v času nosečnosti. V raziskovalnem delu magistrskega dela je bila opravljena kvantitativna raziskava s pomočjo vprašalnika. Vzorec je bil pridobljen preko družbene spletne strani in ga je sestavljalo 221 žensk, ki so bile v času raziskave noseče ali so v zadnjem letu rodile. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da nosečnice poznajo pomen prehranskih dopolnil kot dodatek k običajni prehrani in ne kot nadomestilo za uravnoteženo prehrano, česar se bolj zavedajo tiste z višjo izobrazbo. Prehranska dopolnila je v nosečnosti uživalo 85,4 % anketiranih, pogosteje so jih uživale tiste z višjo izobrazbo. Anketirane, ki dopolnil ne uživajo, so najpogosteje navedle, da jih ne potrebujejo. Za uživanje so se anketirane najpogosteje odločile zaradi želje, da bi koristile zdravju otroka. Tako v času nosečnosti kot v času načrtovanja le-te so najpogosteje uživale folno kislino. Pogosteje so jo uživale starejše in prvorodnice. Na podlagi rezultatov ugotavljam, da večina nosečnic prične z uživanjem prehranskih dopolnil, ko izve za nosečnost. Glede na rezultate raziskave je mogoče priporočati intenzivnejše osveščanje mladih žensk o pomenu uravnotežene prehrane in varne uporabe prehranskih dopolnil ter uživanju folne kisline pred zanositvijo.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125556 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:56967939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.04.2021
MALOVRH ŽONTAR, Lucija, 2021, Uporaba prehranskih dopolnil v nosečnosti [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Food supplements intake in pregnancy
With food we receive all the essential nutrients for proper functioning of body. During pregnancy, adequate intake of nutrients is very important, as the developing baby draws nutrients through his mother. Due to insufficient knowledge of the importance of nutrition, the availability of various foods, socio-economic status, etc., difficulties in achieving recommended nutrient intake occur among women. Insufficient nutrient intake can be substituted with dietary supplements. The purpose of this master's thesis was to determine the attitude of pregnant women towards dietary supplements and how often they consumed them during pregnancy. Quantitative research method with questionnaire was conducted in the research part of this thesis. The sample consisted of 221 women who were pregnant at the time of research or had given birth in the last year. The analysis of the results showed, that pregnant women know the importance of dietary supplements as an adjunct to a normal diet rather than a substitute for a balanced diet. Pregnant women with higher education are more aware of that. 85,4 % of respondents used dietary supplements during their pregnancy. Research showed that those with higher education used them more often. Respondents who don't use dietary supplements most often indicated that they did not need them. However, respondents who chose to use dietary supplements most often consumed them out of desire to benefit child's health. During pregnancy and during planning the pregnancy, most of respondents consumed folic acid. It was more often consumed by the older women and those with first pregnancy. Based on the results obtained in my research, I can conclude that most pregnant women start taking dietary supplements when they find out about their pregnancy. Given results also showed, it would be recommended raising young women awareness about the importance of a balanced diet and the safe use of dietary supplements especially about use of folic acid before conception.

Keywords:pregnant women

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