
Pretvornik z aktivno vhodno stopnjo za izboljšanje faktorja moči
ID DRAGAN, MAKS (Author), ID Vončina, Danjel (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V reguliranih elektromotorskih pogonih so za napajanje v uporabi presmerniki izmeničnega toka. V magistrski nalogi je na začetku predstavljeno teoretsko ozadje sinhronskih motorjev in s tem utemeljena potreba po presmerniškem napajanju. Glavno delo predstavlja zasnova in izvedba močnostnega (napajalnega) dela presmernika za napajanje obtočne črpalke s sinhronskim motorjem s trajnimi magneti. Prva stopnja močnostnega modula je izvedena z enofaznim PFC (ang. power factor correction; izboljšanje faktorja moči oziroma delavnosti) usmerniškim vezjem, ki izmenično omrežno napetost pretvori v enosmerno. Poleg tega, zagotavlja primerno obliko omrežnega toka, kar izboljša faktor delavnosti in zmanjša prisotnost višjeharmonskih komponent. S tem se bistveno poveča izkoristek napajanega motorja in zadosti direktivi EN 61000-3-2. Drugo stopnjo močnostnega modula predstavlja trifazno tranzistorsko mostično vezje, ki motorju zagotavlja napajalno napetost spremenljive amplitude in frekvence. Izbira komponent je z izračuni utemeljena. Nazadnje je delovanje močnostnega modula z meritvami potrjeno.

Keywords:Sinhronski motor, presmernik, močnostni modul, PFC usmernik, razsmernik, reguliran pogon
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125501 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.03.2021
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Title:AC/AC converter with active power factor correction input stage
Regulated motor drives are powered via AC-AC converters. In the beginning of this master thesis a theoretical background of synchronous motors is described and thus the need for powering them via converters. Main part of the thesis consists of design and implementation of power (supply) part of the converter for powering a circulating pump with a synchronous motor with permanent magnets. The first stage of the power module is implemented with a single-phase PFC rectifier circuit, known as a boost PFC converter, which converts mains AC voltage to DC voltage. Furthermore, it ensures appropriate mains current shape, which improves power factor and lowers harmonic currents. That greatly increases the efficiency of powered motor and meets the directives of EN 61000-3-2. Second stage of the power module consists of a three-phase transistor bridge circuit that provides the motor with a supply voltage of a variable amplitude and frequency. The selection of components is justified by calculations. Finally, the operation of the power module is confirmed by measurements.

Keywords:Synchronous motor, AC-AC converter, power module, boost PFC, inverter, regulated drive

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