
Terapevtska zgodba in izbrani elementi umetnostne terapije v terapiji z otroki, ki jecljajo, in njihov odnos do lastnega govora
ID Budič, Maša (Author), ID Vidrih, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Novšak Brce, Jerneja (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6644/ This link opens in a new window

Jecljanje je kompleksna govorno-jezikovna motnja, pri kateri se posamezniki ne soočajo le z odstopajočimi akustičnimi vedenji in njihovimi spremljevalnimi telesnimi in vedenjskimi izrazi, temveč tudi s številnimi čustvenimi, komunikacijskimi in socialnimi stiskami, ki jim botruje njihov izražen negativni odnos do lastnega govora in posledično do sebe kot sporočevalca. Zgodnje naslavljanje negativnih oziroma nekonstruktivnih prepričanj, čustev in vedenj v povezavi z lastnim govorom tako predstavlja pomemben del multidimenzionalnega pristopa v terapiji jecljanja. V zadnjem času se po svetu na tem področju uveljavlja vedno več terapevtskih pristopov, ki vključujejo elemente kreativnih medijev oziroma umetnostne terapije, med katerimi sta tudi dramska terapija in terapevtska zgodba. V magistrskem delu sem raziskala vlogo, uporabo in vpliv umetnostne terapije v terapiji, usmerjeni v spodbujanje oblikovanja pozitivnega odnosa do lastnega govora pri otrocih, ki jecljajo. Preučila sem možnosti vključevanja različnih elementov umetnostne terapije, pri čemer je prevladovala metoda terapevtske zgodbe in uporaba različnih kreativnih medijev v terapiji jecljanja – predvsem v tistem delu terapije, ki naslavlja posameznikova prepričanja in občutke o sebi kot o neuspešnem sporočevalcu oziroma nekompetentnem, nezaželenem udeležencu v socialnokomunikacijskih situacijah. Na podlagi teoretičnih spoznanj, raziskav in primerov dobre prakse sem oblikovala umetnostnoustvarjalni terapevtski program (krajše UUT program) za otroke, ki jecljajo in obiskujejo 3. in 4. razred OŠ, v obliki delavnic, ki spodbujajo posameznikovo komunikacijsko samozavest, pozitivno samopodobo in mu omogočajo, da prepozna, razišče in spremeni svoj odnos do lastnega govora na ustvarjalen in zabaven način. Vpliv uporabe terapevtske zgodbe in izbranih elementov umetnostne terapije v terapiji, usmerjeni v izboljšanje odnosa do lastnega govora pri otrocih, ki jecljajo, sem analizirala preko samoevalvacij udeležencev, lastne refleksije izvedenega programa in triangulacije mnenj, ki povzema ugotovitve iz opazovanj udeležencev, njihovih staršev, specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagoginje in pripovedovalke Nine Milavec, ki je bila zunanja sodelavka v programu, ter mojih opazovanj. Za namen ugotavljanja spremembe v odnosu do lastnega govora pri udeležencih UUT programa sem pripravila vprašalnik o odnosu do lastnega govora, ki sem ga oblikovala po modelu referenčnih instrumentov, kot so A-19 (Guitar in Grims, 1977), BAB (podtest CAT, Brutten in Vanryckeghem, 2003) in OASES (Yaruss in Quesal, 2010). Numerične rezultate, pridobljene s pomočjo vprašalnika, sem analizirala s postopki osnovne statistike. S kvalitativno analizo pa sem iz lastnih dnevniških zapisov oblikovala introspektivna poročila iz terapevtskega dnevnika po vzoru avtoric Š. L. Knoll in C. Knoll (2009). Kvalitativna analiza podatkov kaže na to, da uporaba terapevtske zgodbe in izbranih elementov umetnostne terapije pomembno pripomore k izboljšanju odnosa do lastnega govora, kvantitativna analiza pa kaže, da ta na izboljšanje odnosa do lastnega govora pri otrocih, ki jecljajo, vpliva v nekaterih aspektih. Zaradi majhnosti vzorca in zato nižje reprezentativnosti le-tega bolj natančne kvantitativne analize, ki bi dala znanstveno bolj argumentirano ugotovitev, tokrat ni bilo mogoče izvesti. Za to bi bile potrebne nadaljnje raziskave.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125468 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:55441155 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Therapeutic story and the selected elements of arts therapy with stuttering children, and their attitudes towards their speech
Stuttering is a complex speech and language disorder. Individuals who stutter individuals face not only deviant acoustic behaviors and their accompanying physical and behavioral expressions, but also emotional, communicative, and social distress fueled by their pronounced negative attitude toward their speech and consequently toward themselves as communicators. Early addressing of negative or unconstructive beliefs, emotions, and behaviors in connection with one's speech thus represents an important part of a multidimensional approach in stuttering therapy. Recently, around the world, many therapeutic approaches have been established in this field and they include elements of creative media or art therapy, including drama therapy and therapeutic story(telling). In this master's thesis, I explored the use and impact of art therapy in therapy, aimed at encouraging the formation of a positive attitude towards one's speech of children who stutter, and the influence those approaches have on the quality of children’s communication attitude. I examined the possibilities of integrating various elements of art therapy (with the method of therapeutic story and the use of various creative media in stuttering therapy prevailing) – especially in that part of therapy that addresses individual beliefs and feelings about themselves as a failed communicator or an incompetent, unwanted participant in social communication situations. Based on theoretical findings, research and examples of good practice, I designed a creative art therapeutic program (abbreviated CAT program) for children who stutter and attend the 3rd and 4th grades of primary school. It was conducted in the form of workshops that promote individual's communicative self-confidence, positive self-image and allow recognizing, exploring, and changing attitude towards one’s speech in a creative and fun way. The influence of the use of the therapeutic story and selected elements of art therapy in therapy aimed at improving the attitude towards one's speech in stuttering children was analyzed through participants' self-evaluations, self-reflection of the implemented program, and triangulation of opinions, which summarizes the final observations regarding the communication attitude of the participants, their parents, another professional from the field of special education Nina Milavec (external observer), and my observations. To determine the change in the attitude towards one's speech among the participants of the CAT program, I prepared a questionnaire about the attitude towards one's speech, designed according to the model of reference instruments such as A-19 (Guitar and Grims, 1977), BAB (CAT subtest, Brutten and Vanryckeghem, 2003) and OASES (Yaruss and Quesal, 2010). Numerical results obtained through the questionnaire were analyzed using basic statistical procedures. With qualitative analysis, I formed introspective reports from my therapeutic diary entries, following the example of the authors Š. L. Knoll and C. Knoll (2009). Qualitative analysis of the data shows that the use of therapeutic story and selected elements of art therapy significantly contribute to improving the attitude towards one's speech, while quantitative analysis shows that this has an impact on improving the attitude towards one's speech in stuttering children in some aspects. Due to the small size and lower representativeness of the sample, a more accurate quantitative analysis, which would give a more scientifically substantiated conclusion, could not be performed this time. Further research might be needed.


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