
Biti ženska, biti mati : lokalna študija zgodnjega materinstva
ID Hafner, Meta (Author), ID Živoder, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Odločitev žensk, kdaj in če imeti otroka, je močno povezana s tem, kako se je skozi zgodovino v družbi razvijalo pojmovanje materinstva in njegovo vrednotenje. Mnogim ženskam danes materinska vloga ni več prioriteta, vse pomembnejši so jim drugi osebni načrti in cilji. Z analizo intervjujev mladih mater sem želela raziskati, kateri dejavniki vplivajo na to, da se mlade ženske v Škofji Loki za otroka odločajo prej, kakšen pomen pripisujejo materinstvu in v čem se le–ta pomen razlikuje od pomena, ki se odraža v trendu poznega materinstva. Mlade matere vidijo materinstvo v odnosu mati–otrok. Menijo, da se vlogi očeta in matere razlikujeta v odnosu do otroka, kar se še vedno navezuje na biološki determinizem. Materinstvo jim predstavlja pomembno in odgovorno žensko vlogo, ki so jo dobile v življenju in jim je ne more nihče vzeti. Vse, z izjemo ene matere, so zanosile nenačrtovano. Najpomembnejši dejavnik, da se odločijo ob zanositvi otroka obdržati in sprejeti materinsko vlogo, je zvest partner. Za razliko od žensk, ki svojo materinsko vlogo prelagajo v poznejša leta, ker jim le–ta ni najpomembnejša v življenjskem poteku, ali zaradi okoliščin, kot so npr. zahteve na trgu delovne sile, mladim materam materinstvo prinese radost in zadovoljstvo.

Keywords:Materinstvo, trend poznega materinstva, ženske, mlade matere, Škofja Loka.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Hafner]
Number of pages:42 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125407 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:56580099 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Being a Woman, Being a Mother: Local Study of Early Motherhood
Women’s decision whether and when to have a child is closely connected with how the conception and society’s perception of motherhood have evolved throughout history. Nowadays, many women do not see their maternal role as a priority – they find other personal plans and goals more important. Analysing interviews with young mothers, I aimed to identify the contributing factors of why young women in Škofja Loka decide to have a child earlier in life, what significance these women attach to motherhood, and in what aspects this significance differs from that reflected by the trend of late motherhood. Young mothers see motherhood through the mother-child relationship. They believe that the roles of father and mother in relation to the child vary, which still relates to biological determinism. For them, motherhood is an important and responsible role they have assumed in life as women, and no one can take that away from them. None of these young mothers, except one, planned their pregnancy. The deciding factor for keeping a child and assuming the maternal role is a faithful partner. Unlike women who postpone their maternal role until later in life, either because they do not see it as most important in their life, or due to circumstances, such as labour market requirements, young mothers find joy and contentment in motherhood.

Keywords:Motherhood, trend of late motherhood, women, young mothers, Škofja Loka.

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