
Razlike pri soočanju med očeti in materami ob rojstvu otroka z downovim sindromom
ID Šepec, Anja (Author), ID Jerman, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6638/ This link opens in a new window

Downov sindrom je ena najpogostejših kromosomskih motenj. Rojstvo otroka z downovim sindromom je boleča izkušnja za vso družino, še posebej pa za mater in očeta. Dejstvo, da ima otrok težavo v razvoju, prebudi vihar čustev predvsem pri materi in očetu. Ko strokovnjaki staršem povedo novico, je večina obupanih in zmedenih. Kasneje se pri starših v procesu reagiranja na otrokovo motnjo pojavijo občutki krivde, stresa in tesnobe. Soočanje z otrokovim stanjem je dolgotrajen proces, ki starše vodi skozi različne faze prilagajanja na življenje z otrokom s posebnostmi. Ženske in moški pa se na otroka z downovim sindromom odzivajo na različne načine. V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali, kako se moški in ženske soočajo z diagnozo downovega sindroma njihovega otroka, ter kakšne so razlike med njimi pri odzivanju na otrokovo diagnozo. Opravili smo osem intervjujev s štirimi pari oz. zakonci, ki imajo otroka z downovim sindromom. Vsakega od njih smo intervjuvali posamezno. Vse intervjuje bomo predstavili in odgovore povezali s teoretičnimi izhodišči. Ugotovili smo, da so vsi intervjuvanci za diagnozo svojega otroka izvedeli po rojstvu. Ob potrditvi diagnoze so bili odzivi staršev precej različni. Na različne načine so se naši sogovorniki spopadali s stresom ob rojstvu otroka z downovim sindromom. Nihče od naših sogovornikov se ni počutil odgovornega za otrokovo diagnozo. Tudi celoten proces soočanja z otrokovo diagnozo so matere in očetje doživljali različno intenzivno. Skoraj vsi intervjuvanci so sprejeli otrokovo diagnozo, le pri enem očetu ostaja kanček nesprejetja. Prav tako sedem od osmih naših intervjuvancev opisujejo rojstvo otroka z downovim sindromom kot pozitivno izkušnjo. Partnerski odnosi med zakonci iz naše raziskave so se spremenili na bolje, le en par poroča, da je njun odnos drugačen. Manj časa imata za gradnjo njunega odnosa. Pomembno je, da se zavedamo, da se moški in ženske različno odzivajo na travmatične dogodke, stres, ter različno doživljajo diagnozo otroka z downovim sindromom. Pridobljeni podatki bodo pomagali specialnim pedagogom ter drugim strokovnjakom, ki se pri svojem delu srečujejo s starši takih otrok, da bodo bolje razumeli razlike med spoloma pri doživljanju, čustvovanju, soočanju s stresom. Tako bodo znali bolje prisluhniti njihovim stiskam in jim pomagati pri soočanju z diagnozo njihovega otroka. Ustrezno sodelovanje med starši in strokovnjaki je za otrokov ustrezen napredek in razvoj nujno.

Keywords:downov sindrom
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125344 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:54695939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Differences between fathers and mothers in their approach to the birth of a child with Down syndrome
Down syndrome is one of the most common chromosomal disorders. The birth of a child with Down syndrome is a painful experience for the whole family, especially for the mother and the father, who have to deal with a storm of emotions. When experts tell parents the news, most are desperate and confused. Later, parents experience feelings of guilt, stress, and anxiety in the process of responding to the child's disorder. Coping with a child’s condition is a lengthy process that guides parents through the various stages of adjusting to life with a child with special needs. Women and men, however, respond to the diagnosis in different ways. In this master's thesis, we focused on how men and women face the Down syndrome diagnosis of their child, and what is the gender gap in their responses. We conducted eight interviews with four couples who have a child with Down syndrome. We interviewed each of them individually. We will present all interviews and connect the answers with theory. We found that all interviewees learned of their child’s diagnosis after birth. Upon confirmation of the diagnosis, the responses of the parents were quite different and they coped with the stress of giving birth to a child with Down syndrome in various ways. None of our interviewees felt responsible for the child's diagnosis. In addition, the intensity of emotions when dealing with the child's diagnosis differed between mothers and fathers. Almost all of the interviewees accepted the child's diagnosis, only one father has been struggling a bit to accept the diagnosis. Seven out of eight of our interviewees describe the birth of a child with Down syndrome as a positive experience. The relationships between the spouses from our study have changed for the better, only one couple reports that their relationship is different now since they have less time for each other. It is important to be aware that men and women respond differently to traumatic events and stress. Therefore, it makes sense that they experience the diagnosis of their child with Down syndrome differently. The obtained data will help special education teachers and other professionals who work with parents of such children to better understand the gender gap in experiencing, emotions and coping with stressful situations. They will be able to use these data to improve their listening skills to help parents to cope with the diagnosis of their child. Proper cooperation between parents and professionals is essential for a child’s appropriate progress and development.

Keywords:Down Syndrom

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