In the diploma thesis, we focused on calculating the climatology of the aircraft altimeter altitude errors above Ljubljana. Pressure, temperature, and altitude data were acquired from radiosonde measurements. Analysis was performed by six different methods, representing different altimeter settings and temperature corrections. In the first method, we assumed that the aircraft altimeter is set to QNE pressure. In the second method, we assumed that the aircraft altimeter is set to QNH pressure. The third and fourth methods were the same as the first and second one, except that the temperature correction was made using the temperature measured at the airport. Methods five and six were the same as the first two, except that a temperature correction was made with the temperature measured on the aircraft. Data from radiosonde measurements were obtained from the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (ARSO). A period of 13 years was used for the analysis. Altitude errors for individual methods were graphically shown for different seasons and the whole period. We found out that the error size depends on the method used and the season. In general, the errors increase with the altitude and are largest in the winter. For some methods, the error at lower altitudes can be larger than 100 m. Methods five and six worked best, with the error being the smallest throughout the entire troposphere.